4 free proxy server to block ads
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If you are very like Chrome, despite the bugs and lack of support for plug-ins, and moral and ethical you do not see obstacles, then in addition to already presented us Privoxy, you can use other proxy servers.
CyberGuard WebWasher Classic - very flexible and fast program which does not require a lot of resources. In addition to advertising system blocks pop-ups, scripts and other data sent by browser.
iReject Trash 200 kilobytes hides a great program. Built-in rules immediately work well, besides, you can always easily change settings. Some of the pages are loaded at the same time a little slower.
Proxomitron - a program with an awful interface, but it offers a fantastically flexible rules for blocking, and the default settings are already similar armor. Remove ads replaced with red text in square brackets.
CyberGuard WebWasher Classic, iReject Trash, Proxomitron,
4 Free Proxies To Block Ads in Google Chrome (or any browser) [Lee Mathews]