7 situations where you come in handy a virtual phone number
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Virtual number - a service that can be connected with the operator. With it, you get an additional number to which you can receive calls and SMS without having to buy a new SIM card. We will understand why this is necessary, as an example of the virtual rooms "Tinkoff Mobileยป.
1. I want another free pizza
Many services offer discounts and gifts for signing up. You can connect a virtual number to participate in the action twice and get more bonuses. And, just disable the service, when all the pizza and rolls will be eaten so you do not get the annoying SMS-mailing.
2. The friend did not return the debt and does not take the tube
If you feel that the debtor deliberately does not answer your calls or add your phone number in the blacklist - time to take action. To get started, try to call a friend from the virtual room: so he will not know it's you. If he's not hung up immediately, you will be able to discuss the return of the debt, or at least to express everything that you think.
Confuse the other, you are not confused yourself: "Tinkoff Mobile" lets you know when you write and call to virtual number, and at the end of the incoming SMS tail adds: "This message is received on a virtual number".
3. You may not know if you like this girl from dating website
Virtual number - great for first encounters with strangers from the Internet. It is possible to receive calls and SMS as well as a standard room. This means that you can phone to a stranger and make an appointment, but do not give him your primary number. With "Tinkoff Mobile" you do not expose yourself, even by accident: the phone will automatically call or send SMS to the virtual numbers, if you do not communicate with the main number of the destination earlier.
4. For favorite client cards are asked to leave a contact number. But the torment their SMS!
You're not wrong, the store employee and honestly write your number. Virtual. Now all the spam on the alternative room, which you can easily turn off.
Of course, we do not advise to do so, but this trick will save and messages from obsessive distant relatives or friends who congratulate you on the first day of spring, and in general for any occasion. Virtual Number "Tinkoff Mobile" easy to translate in the "Do Not Disturb". Will only have time to check from time to time, not lost in spam if something important.
5. You sell a refrigerator on the Internet. Do not put on public display as your main number?
The virtual number can be safely placed in the ads. Both rooms "Tinkoff Mobile"(Primary and virtual) are operated simultaneously. You will be able to use the main number as usual, but do not miss the offers from potential buyers. Stop calls even easier: sold refrigerator - disable virtual number.
6. You do not want to be distracted from work. Only in the case of calls!
Teach yourself to give virtual number to all whose calls you are not very important, and just turn it on mode "Do Not Disturb" when busy. Anyone who can distract you, will think your phone is simply disabled.
7. You do not want to trip the main number
You can create a virtual room for the holidays and give it to everyone I meet. Promoters, the hotel staff, the heroes of romantic passions - let everything that was on leave to remain on vacation. Annex "Tinkoff Mobile" is convenient to monitor the roaming costs in so much money you do not spend it on.
Why it is worth to try a virtual number "Tinkoff Mobile"
- The possibility of additional rooms are not curtailed in comparison with the core. You can not only receive incoming, but also make calls and send SMS.
- It does not require a second slot for a SIM card and a separate connection to the tariff of the operator.
- They are easy to manage in the application: You can enable or disable the service at any time.
- It costs 49 rubles a month.
And at "Tinkoff Mobile"Have unlimited internet access, user-friendly application and designer of tariffs, in which the desired service package, you can choose yourself and determine a monthly communications costs.
For new subscribers "Tinkoff Mobile" special offer - a doubling of the first payment. This means that you can put 3000 rubles to the account, and the balance is replenished on 6000 rubles. And if you do not just place a SIM card, and will transfer your old number, you will receive an additional 1 000 rubles to the account.
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