Desktop Google Reader - a desktop viewer for RSS
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Until now, I did not know how to view Google Reader in offline version, not yet discovered Desktop Google Reader.
This extremely simple utility will show your tape RSS, you read in Google Reader. Settings (if one can call settings) very simple: specify your e-mail, password - and forward.
In the program, you can view the messages (Internet Explorer engine is used), mark them with an asterisk, put a mark on the reading, and they are removed from the list of unread messages), and open them in browser. The left displays web feeds to which you have subscribed in the Googley reader, on the right - the posts themselves. While reading messages, or mark these actions are synchronized with Google Reader. Here's a simple and uncomplicated program. Frankly, I do not quite understand what advantages it has over a conventional browser. It is possible that its portability and small will find the system requirements of its user.
Download Desktop Google Reader: ReleaseId = 27797