Undelete PLUS - simple data recovery
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Undelete PLUS easy. If you are "permanently" deleted information, this utility quickly remedy the situation. Scan disk and locate the file you want, but remember that the remote information can not be stored ever, it was less than the operations after the removal, the greater the likelihood of recovery, so do not waste time.
After scanning the files can be sorted by type. If you know at least some information about the file, you can use a filter: select the date or the modification period, the name or part of the file name, size (at least approximately). The advantage is that the program not only scans the hard drives, but also removable. It supports NTFS / NTFS5 partitions, FAT12 / FAT16 / FAT32. The interface is very simple, all control is at your fingertips. The program is small, works with all the Windows, the Russian language is present, but like many others. There Standalone-version works perfectly with the stick. The site says that the program is free for non-commercial use, although in the past was worth $ 29.95.
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