Speed Download 5: The failed upgrade
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
New release popular download manager I did not go unnoticed. First of all, thanks to the numerous customers Macheist, with surprised to learn that the program update freshly bought and paid more than that, they are a free upgrade (as opposed to "normal" buyers) do not fall. I do not know, the developers hoped it yazsoft on a success or not, but the fact remains: angry article with reference to digg and rants perturbed user confirmation.
Actually, what the developers ask for money?
Of significant changes - slightly modified application interface with fashionable now filtering in an extra panel (here, by the way, placed completely in the subject) plus almost bringing to mind a window download a la "compact form iTunes», from which, finally, there is at least any good... And, of course, a no Help file, for which a special thank you (the fourth version comes without documentation generally).
However, once it is clear that the new version is ready in a hurry: the configuration dialog still is a nightmare interface designer, a glitch with an extra button to "clean" in search bar remained without changes, the window background "float" was chosen explicitly by the bulldozer, the program is still stored in the Speed Download folder 4, localization is not updated, suspended injection had to re-load, etc. In short, carefully prepared to release it well, does not pull... he borrowed the "new and improved" version with a couple of hours I rolled ago. Old bug, as we know, it is better than two new ones and pay again for the questionable quality upgrade was no desire.
Well, waiting for the continuation of history, which promises to be interesting: tens of thousands of "throw" of buyers with Macheist unlikely to calm down immediately :)
In short, if you have already managed to join the Speed Download, then wait for the next version. If not - "five" is not exactly the best release of the program.