Search Extra Buttons: advanced search on Google and "Yandex"
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
This extension will replace advanced search through specific page of search giants and to limit the issuance of one page of results. Easier, faster, more convenient.
To search by key phrases and language Advanced Search and Google "Yandex" everyone knows. However, not all functions can be quickly accessed right from the search box. Of course, you can use a separate form of the advanced search or access to additional features by clicking on the buttons below the line. But why, when there is a convenient script to call the most important functions directly on the main page?
With help Google Search Extra Buttons you can add buttons to the page group search results to select the results for a certain period of time (days, weeks, months, years), to form the sample to expand documents or search the site from a list stored in the settings.
A similar script for "Yandex" can be found here - Yandex Search Extra Buttons. Both are shared script files saved in the external resource settings and have identical functions. When you run the script in one browser settings synchronized between the sites of search engines as soon as a new page. It is running this Java-script in all popular browsers, but the installation process for everyone.
- For Firefox the script will need to download and copy Scriptish / GreaseMonkey folder.
- IN Chrome Installation is either double-click on the downloaded script or opening page chrome: // extensions /, setting the flag "Developer Mode" and drag and drop script. Perhaps, in this case need to rename the file to GoogleSearchExtra_Buttons.user.js.
- For installation in Opera 12 you need to use the following instructions.
- IN Safari you must place the Java-file in Safari / Tampermonkey folder.
After installing the script will be available the following functions:
- selection of the interface language (en, ru, ua, fr, de, es), save the settings;
- Search for the last days (1 to 13), of the week (1 to 10), months (1 to 11) and years (1 to 10);
- search more selected types of documents (any combination of 10 types available);
- search the site from the list, edited in the settings;
- choice of date range.
Google also can search for up to an hour, but in the script for "Yandex" search on the clock there. Selection interval in each group is stored in the settings. Through this search it is even easier and more convenient.