Overview extensions for popular browsers
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
We present you a brief overview of the exciting additions to Firefox, Chrome and Opera, which caught our attention last week.
we learn in the next review of extensions, how to extend the possibility of Google Talk (Chrome), teach browser to read books (Firefox) and quickly check for updates on sites that do not even have an RSS feed (Opera). And for dessert - a few findings from our readers.
GChat Pix
If you are actively using Google release services, no doubt, we appreciate the exchange system Google Talk instant messaging, which is always at hand and allows you to communicate quickly with the right contact. And now, thanks to the expansion GChat Pix, you can exchange not only text messages but also photos by simply dragging them into the chat window.
Nanny for Google Chrome
More recently, we have considered useful tools for time management in the article "How to find the lost time?"But now we've got one more extension of this category. Nanny will help you to block distracting websites, as well as collect and display statistics of visited pages. The extension has a lot of settings, allowing you to set the daily limit on visiting certain pages, block sites at certain times and days, and more.
FB2 Reader
FictionBook2 - this is probably the most popular format in our distribution of electronic books. By expanding FB2 Reader, you can read books in this format in the browser, which will save you from having to install special programs.
reload Plus
C using this extension can pump the refresh button of the page. It appears additional features such as a "hard" reboot, resume missing images, a request from the Google cached copy of the page.
Extension that allows you to control the update sites. It automatically checks the selected field site for changes at intervals you specify.
From our readers
Samsonov Timothy I recommend us your favorite extension for the Chrome browser - Search Center. It allows you to conveniently search the various search engines and sites, without having to enter each time your request. List of search services can be edited.
At present, that's all. We will continue through the week.
If you know of interesting additions that you want to share with other readers of the blog, then do not hesitate and write about it in the comments. The best thing is sure to be included in the following review.