Easy to use BackUp Maker will help to burn and send your files to the server
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Question backup and restore all the more acute for all those who are somehow connected to the information. Even if you have all the computers of only a mobile phone, then you should think about how you will maintain your address book. And if you and the photo-device digital and video camera, then you definitely have accumulated a pile of materials that would be a pity to lose. Today I would like to talk about an interesting utility that can help in the preservation of our digital "good".
BackUp Maker It helps you to ask that, how much, how and where you want to save. Yeah, maybe it looks a bit more complicated than regular software interface backup in Vista and even more so - Time Machine in Mac OS. However, information on the creation of "jobs" program asks gradually, step by step, because even an inexperienced person to answer is quite simple.
In addition, this tool, as opposed to full-time, is able to save not only on the local or external drives, but also to FTP-server and even CD / DVD - discs. The latter is especially anyone with a collection of thousands and thousands of photos can not be underestimated.
The program is designed for Windows and is free of charge at the same time. True its users may complain about the advertising of other products of the same company, which seems so far and is a way of paying for the use. However, the program has limitations inherent not only to her - she can not save files that are open in another program, and this limitation you are offered to circumvent... for money. Logical. Basic functionality is good, but if you do something is not enough - maybe you will find it possible and pay.
Backup Maker Offers Dead Simple Backup Creation [Jason Fitzpatrick]