The most important person for Apple
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Many believe that it was Steve Jobs brought Apple from a state of near bankruptcy to unprecedented heights and successes. But he would have been able to do it without his friend and colleague John Quince? To find out, the journalist took interview Kani at Linder - author of a new biographical book about Apple's chief designer.
What surprised you the most when you have been researching for a book about John Aive?
Just how important it is for Apple. Now it is even more important than it was Jobs shortly before his death. He is considered indispensable. If he will - it will be the loss of even more than Steve's care. Jobs started a company that became independent and can exist without it, but the genius and talent of Quince - there is only one.
Another thing that struck me - this is how it is done, so that people could... touch technology. He added to the iMac handle! Who would think to wear a iMac in the apartment? But this was done in order for people to understand - before it can and should be touching it if the user is moving closer to the device. Then I noticed that many of his early computers have handles, and iPod carries the same idea - it responds to touch. It was very new, and perhaps genius.
Your book is based on a set of interviews, some of them remember the most?
You know, I was very struck by a conversation with Douglas Satsgerom. He now heads the industrial design department at Intel, and from 1996 until the release of the iPad - he worked in the Apple design studio. The studio works in such a way that the entire design team is involved in a single process. The work is conducted jointly and Johnny Ive - evaluates and, so to speak, adjudicates each idea or proposal.
Since Apple is very secrecy of the company, employees are prohibited to spread about what they're working. Even at dinner with his family. When I talked to him, then clearly saw that he had never told me about this time, did not share the memories that shared with me. He was so open, not trying to hide anything or preukrasit. No, it was not sensational revelatory interviews, but has become something special for me.
However, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Satsger had not told the press about it?
Apple is important to have complete control over the situation. In advertising - we can see what he wants to convey to us the marketing department. But if employees start giving interviews everywhere - check what they said would be impossible. They have incredibly strict discipline on the subject - dialogue with the consumer comes to the advertising and presentation of news. Interacting with the media is reduced to zero, even if the book or article promise them very positive feedback - often they are rejected. Walter Isaacson and his biography of Steve Jobs, perhaps, was one of the few exceptions. Sometimes, Apple boss can give a number of interviews in front of a big event, but do not expect them revelations.
Steve Jobs was able to lead Apple out of the state close to bankruptcy in 1997, and at the time of his death - it has become the largest company in the technology sector. Do you think he would be able to do it without John Quince?
Johnny played a huge role in this, that his unit has come up with iMac, iPhone, iPad, and dozens of other hits. But things are not so simple, because without Jobs, his patron and mentor - Ive would be useless. Before returning to the company of Steve nobody took seriously. And besides, think of all the other departments - why would Apple achieved without engineers, marketers, programmers? This achievement belongs to all, not only to Jobs or quince.
Many say that Steve Jobs was a real asshole sometimes. How would you describe Quince in comparison with Jobs? How different their characters?
Complete opposite. Restrained, calm, kind, thoughtful, polite, friendly... the list is endless. Of course, as far as I know, Jobs very good to Quince - never crossed him shouting, not broke. By the way, I heard that one myself, Ive lost my temper, and he yelled at Jobs.
Jobs as applied to Johnny because he was one of the few whom he considered his equal for. Work Quince will never disappoint. Jobs broke when things did not go according to plan or if somebody fucked up. But with Ayvom they worked together and perceive each other as common mistakes.
Could Ive himself to offer ideas for future products? Can he say "I want to watch" or the idea is still the prerogative of the Director General?
It is not so. Of course, most ideas are born in the design lab, but it happens that come "from above". Designers create numerous prototypes and may take a long time before corporate elite will give the green light to one of the projects.
What interesting things you've learned about how Ive work? Not because he sits all day at his desk, doing sketches on paper?
You'd be surprised, but this and start products - with sketches. Biweekly designers are going to "brainstorm", where they work together on the problems, and sketches - the easiest way to quickly and clearly express their ideas. After Johnny assembly collects their drawings and picks out those that may come in handy.
Sketches come to a team dedicated to transfer them to your computer and turn them into full-fledged 3D model. These models fall into the machine on a computer numerical control (it is also in the design studio), which cuts them out RenShape blocks - solid foam. Thus the way from the sketch to the tangible object - minimum.
These models are used to make decisions about the size and shape of the product. Created dozens of options, they are laid out on the table and choose the desired size. They create a model for the model until they reach perfection.
Most of the work, however, takes place at the factory. A small part of the time is spent on design selection of sizes and shapes, much more - to ensure that the factory directly decide how to create millions of such devices.
What is your favorite creature Johnny Quince?
New iPad Air - simply stunning. You know, if you were in a coma in 2007 and woke up today, I would take him in hand - you would have thought it's been a century.
And what was the most important device for Apple in general?
This is a good question and very controversial. iMac - Apple saved and made Quince name as a designer. iPod - Apple expanded the scope of influence of computer technology to the entire consumer electronics. But, in my opinion, it was all the same iPhone - it was a huge step forward. He changed the entire industry, setting new standards of quality, design and function for smartphones.
The design of hardware and software design - are two big differences. The risks to Apple, giving quince control over iOS?
A much greater risk - it is enmity and differences between these two departments. Apple has made a smart move by giving them into the hands of the same person. I think, iOS 7 - gorgeous. You know, I always thought that contradict skeuomorph iOS 6 minimalist appearance of the iPhone. Seventh OS made six old-fashioned after only two months after the release. It is very logical, easy to understand and it does not have all of these metaphors like overexposed card table or the old-fashioned paper sheet.
Do not you think that would not have iOS7 Jobs like if he were alive?
No, I think he was always one of those who did not hesitate to burn bridges and making huge steps forward, not looking back.
So, what kind of power has Jony Ive at Apple? He is more authoritative than Tim Cook?
Tim Cook continues to do what worked before retiring Jobs: everyday concerns of the company. Thus, Ive can focus on developing new products. Ive - it works, he leads the team that generates ideas. I believe that Ive played a greater role than Cook.
If Ive plays a big role, does it mean that he is indispensable?
Due to the extreme secrecy Apple is now impossible to say whether the team Quince someone who could replace him in the future. For example, Chris Stringer and Richard Howarth have an excellent reputation as designers, but some of them leaders - is unknown.
Steve Jobs has succeeded because he knew how to organize the system. Several small cohesive teams with great freedom, working with respect to each other - that's what helped to create Apple such as we know it. The system works so far, but it is unknown what will happen to such a significant part of it as a design department, if Ive ever leave the company. He told himself that if his team to "move" to another company - she will be powerless. She needs a corporate culture of Apple, to support and provide the necessary freedom. Creating this culture - is largely due to Johnny Quince.