TrafficVille 3D: simple but addictive game in the traffic regulator
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Many know the game Traffic PanicWhere the player had to manage the flow of traffic by switching on and off of the corresponding traffic light. Exciting game really deserved his many fans due to its simplicity management and at the same time a permanent member involvement in the action happening on screen device. Those who are this game came to taste, I would like to recommend another, no less interesting arcade - TrafficVille 3D, where you will become an authorized traffic.
At the beginning, the user sees the top cross the roadway, the movement which is regulated by traffic lights. Immediately come to a crossroads cars and trams. All in a hurry on business, everyone can not wait to continue on his way. However, at the moment all the traffic flow is stuck at this crossroad, since all areas of the red traffic light. In your own power - skip transport in any direction, thereby sacrificing the nerves of drivers from other side of the intersection. It would seem that everything is simple and there is nothing interesting, but the longer you keep the "red" for any transport stream, the greater the likelihood of an accident. The fact is that after a certain amount of time, long burning "red" stop working, and his place is taken by allowing the green light. And all this happens without your knowledge. The longer you do not beat all the attention, or other areas, delaying transport, the situation is becoming more dangerous for you. After all, when on all sides by the green signal - wait for disaster!
Control of the game as much as possible simple. Simply touching any of the six traffic lights, you flip it. Skipping one thread should be allowed movement to another. Sometimes this can be done at once, and the machine will move parallel to each other, and in another case It does not succeed, because at the crossroads of streams can not pass one another, having left at the crossroads at the same time.
The game TrafficVille 3D in the App Store is free and you can download it like on the iPhone, and on iPad. Of course, the tablet will be much easier to play because of the larger screen compared to a smartphone, but also on the iPhone, you can easily kill time playing it. For example, hitting a traffic jam or in a store, standing in line at the cash register.