Overview extensions for popular browsers (June to 4 July 28)
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
We present you a brief overview of the exciting additions to Firefox, Chrome and Opera, which caught our attention last week.
Extended Share for Google Plus
Following the Google launch of a new social network from the company, immediately began to appear extensions, which add more advanced functionality. Expansion of Extended Share Google+ interface adds a new button you can use to post messages on Facebook or Twitter.
We already wrote about Springpad - excellent web application for storing notes, links, recipes, to-do lists and things like that. Special for Chrome app not only gives you full access to your records, but also has an autonomous mode function. All your notebooks are loaded on your local disk, so you can work in the absence of a network with them. All the changes are saved, and then, when a compound is synchronized with the online repository.
Memory Restart
One of the main problems of the Firefox browser is the excessive increase in memory consumption as you work. Expanding Memory Restart monitors the memory used by the browser and alert you when exceeding the values that you specify in the settings. It is also possible for a quick restart of the browser RAM release.
Smartest Bookmarks Bar
This extension extends the functionality of the panel chosen browser. Firstly, it will help make better use of space on the panel, concealing the names of the links and showing them only when you hover over the icon. In, you can configure the second AutoHide Favorites Bar, adding a little more storage space for browsing.
With this extension you can view the location on a map of any address. Just highlight an address on the current page and click on the extension icon. Will map window with the possibility of scaling and switching type Map-Satellite.
At present, that's all. We will continue through the week.
If you know of interesting additions that you want to share with other readers of the blog, then do not hesitate and write about it in the comments. The best thing is sure to be included in the following review.