Overview extensions for popular browsers
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
We present you a brief overview of the exciting additions to Firefox, Chrome and Opera, which caught our attention last week.
In this issue we'll tell you how to integrate Google bookmarks service in Opera and the Chrome, the address of the off-line book synchronization with Gmail and a stunning extension for Firefox, which can make your PDF magazine of subscriptions.
google bookmarks
This extension adds a browser full integration with Google Bookmarks online bookmarking service. C it you can easily add bookmarks to the new pages, view, edit, search for tags and words. On the Tools tab, you can customize the appearance and some expansion options, as well as to import bookmarks from your browser.
Address book I need
Gmail contacts all good, except when you are offline. Install Extension Address Book I Need, you get a powerful address book with the ability to work offline, synchronization with Gmail, search and other nice buns.
Context Peek
With this extension, you can get additional information about any selected word on the page in the context menu. For example, we can immediately see the translation or interpretation of the selected word related article in Wikipedia, or even a map, if you select an address. A similar functionality has been implemented in IE 8 and was called "Web accelerator". It is remarkable that you can customize the services to which requests will be sent, and add your own.
PDF & Print with Joliprint
By installing this extension, you will be able to any web page to convert to a PDF file, which you can save to your computer, send to Google Docs, email or publish to Facebook. The best part is that the expansion is not just converts html to pdf, and thus removes all the ads, buttons, navigation controls, and other unwanted items, leaving only the text of the article and illustration. But that's not all! With this extension can be generated from the 10 most recent posts in Google Reader (pulls even cut posts!) easy to read the magazine in PDF format for later use offline or electronic reader.
Kudos Google Bookmarks
Integration into the Opera browser bookmarks Google Bookmarks. Adding new elements, management, search.
At present, that's all. We will continue through the week.
If you know of interesting additions that you want to share with other readers of the blog, then do not hesitate and write about it in the comments. The best thing is sure to be included in the following review.