8 cool IFTTT recipes for iOS
Ios Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Running IFTTT team application for iOS I opened for owners of Apple technology a lot of new opportunities. New recipes allow the use of contacts, photos and iPhone calendars. As soon as you activate these channels IFTTT, then immediately you get the opportunity to create new recipes, many of which are very steep.
We collected the 8 most interesting recipes for the iPhone, which you can try, just setting IFTTT free app and spend a few minutes setting. If you are an iPhone owner, then you can find LH great stuffWhich describes other IFTTT opportunities.
The backup all new photos
With this simple recipe you can keep all your photos in Dropbox. It is worth noting that you can create the recipe if you want to customize it completely by yourself. For example, copy it to Dropbox, not all photos, but only removed from the camera, or use no Dropbox and Google Drive.
Do not forget that you need to enable background syncing for IFTTT. The app will ask you to do it at the entrance. You can set the already created a recipe here.
Sharing photos in social networks
If you want to see your photos immediately published in a variety of social networks, then there is no big deal. When creating a new recipe in the column «IF» select the iOS Photos, and «THEN» column - the right social network, for example, Twitter.
Then select the desired album, and your photos will be published immediately in 500px, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter and WordPress.
Improving the standard iOS reminders
If you do not use the reminder application on iOS, then maybe it's time to start. This recipe creates an event in the calendar, based on the established reminders in the standard iOS apps.
Create an event when you add a new contact
You can keep a chronological record of each new contact in your calendar. Suffice it to add a new recipe and the creation of any contact, it will appear as events in your calendar.
Save liked the photo in Instagram to Dropbox
If some pictures in Instagram loved you so much that you want to download it, you can help this recipe. Any photos that you Like, will be saved to your folder in Dropbox.
You can also save all the photos from your Instagram to Dropbox simply changing one setting in the «IF» parameter at the beginning of the creation of the recipe.
A copy of all new iOS-contacts in Google Drive
Another great way to automate routine actions. This recipe allows you to create a text file with a table of all new contacts. Google Drive has been taken as an example, but you can also use Dropbox or Evernote.
However, it is useless if you use iCloud. Then all of your data and so in complete safety.
A new article in the Pocket -> Reminder with the title
If your Pocket is used as a dumping ground for the materials that you are sure to read later, you can simplify your task. When you add an article or video to Pocket will automatically create a reminder with the title of this article.
Weather Update -> The email
If you want to be aware of sudden changes in the weather, you can add this recipe to your list. If the weather forecast tomorrow is rain, snow or other weather phenomenon, you will be notified automatically in the mail. Reminder, you can choose instead of mail.
IFTTT possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Do you use any recipes?
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