How to become a guru to use keyboard shortcuts in Mac
Macos Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Long ago I worked for ISPs and had to deal with people who exploited the network - something they connect to, respond to alarms, and just doing a lot of work until we sold the most services. I can not forget my delight when I saw how these people work at computers - a terminal in the Mutt mailer and its other programs. Everywhere they used a lot of keyboard shortcuts and mouse or touch. For me then, corrupted Windows 98, it was a novelty.
Today, I work in a Mac, and also use a lot of keyboard shortcuts in their work, but not enough. CheatSheet utility now helps to improve my skill work without a mouse.
CheatSheet - is a simple program that knows a large set of keyboard shortcuts for each program. To call the tips by pushing the second key ⌘ (cmd) is in the current program.
Here is the set of keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome:
Tips - it's not just text, but real buttons that you can press!
For all of my programs, there were those hotkeys. Skacht CheatSheet is completely free.