Cart: Rohos Logon Key and TranslateIt
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Regularly reading the reviews and watching the updates I download quite a lot of software. From all this heap, not all goes to review, just a couple of days later they find themselves in a basket as unnecessary or handicap. And if some "masterpieces" (like manage to avoid this fate, the less useful programs and utility rarely avoid the "zapper".
Rohos Logon Key. It is a masterpiece. This miracle Moldovan programming should be compulsorily introduced into the course "how not to write software for the Mac». The idea is good in words: to use as a key to enter the system "USB flash drive". In practice this is not so easy. Just look at the given dialogue. Placed on the trackpad or the infrared port refused the program, while considered superfluous to show them in the list: it is a pity, whether that... Find "flash drive" is not so easy in this dump. In short, after a couple of minutes these things shareware misery was completely demolished.
TranslateIt. I confess: I am a free version of the dictionary for a long time used to "tiger" in the absence of alternatives. Now, for a long time wallowing around Dictionary was "hemmed". For what? For the ugly interface for indecent speed, for the ceiling, and recover the cost of the policy is unacceptable for me to receive updates. $ 25 per year for curve engine without the dictionary database is already too much. Better I will use connected to the Dictionary Lingvo quality dictionaries, the blessing she was honestly purchased for less money.