Generator about Apple news or "Leading analysts believe ..."
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Marvelous Entertainment coined the famous podcaster and blogger Sergei Galonkin. On his personal blog, he collected a simple page that generates an endless stream infopovody for about Apple articles. The results of the "generator of news about Apple» hit and frankly hilarious. The only negative - we never got "infopovod" mentioning iWatch.
According to Sergei, the reason for the creation of a "generator" was an article in the "Gazette" on the development of the new iPhone (we dare to suggest that we are talking about the article "Apple will release the iPhone with a curved screen in 2014»).
@MacRadar two weeks ago, on the very day when the slave will issue an article about the fact that Apple makes the new iPhone :)
- Sergey Galyonkin (@galyonkin) November 19, 2013
From themselves we will add that if you replace the "priests", "former employees" and "leading analysts" frequently mention the name of said categories of citizens, titles become threatening authenticity. Of course, the editors of "Makradara" itself is not without sin, but who will deny us the pleasure to laugh at ourselves? By the way, leading analysts believe that Apple will soon announce iPad with USB-port and an external keyboard.
Generator about Apple news