How to write a book on the Internet
Tips Technologies / / December 19, 2019
1. Plan
So far, the book remains a future idea, it is useful to brainstorm and draw diagrams, not to keep in the memory of the characters and the relationships between them. One of the best applications for this MindmeisterWith the help of it you can make diagrams and share them. In drawing up the plan will help you plot LoosestitchAnd temporary direct - Timeglider. If your book is a lot of heroes, try to manage information about them via applications such as Highrise (free account provides for the creation of up to 250 pages). Create a page for each person, and watch out for them as for the living. So that nothing is forgotten, work with Evernote, which is convenient to store your notes, so you can always write down thoughts in a moment of inspiration.
2. Explore
Even if your book takes place in a completely fictional world, it is necessary to examine the same phenomena in the real world. Wikipedia and Google gives you access to thousands of articles and materials in a number of different topics. Another good (but extra charge: 19.95 per month) resource -
QuestiaIt contains 1.5 million books, magazine articles and newspapers. The Free Library - on-line library, which is available more than 5.7 million books and articles. On Smithsonian: Research page writers will be able to find several museum collections. If you suffer from writer's block, help Project Gutenberg - This site is about 30,000 classic works of literature.3. Write
The very process of writing can be made easier and more enjoyable with the help of various programs. Browser-based editors are good that information is stored on the Internet, and you can access it from anywhere in the world.
If you need a full-featured text editor, easy to use and also free, using Google Docs.
MyWritingNook - it makes it easy to sketch ideas, without worrying about formatting, create a lot of documents, and easily switch between them automatically saves your work, simplifies access to dictionary and thesaurus - the perfect tool for the samples of the pen when it is necessary to focus on the overall picture and simply record what is happening in head.
If you are using a Macintosh operating system, try WriteRoom products, as well as their new app for the iPhone. It automatically synchronizes documents WriteRoom and lets you read and edit them odnovrmenno.
Work as a team to help you Protagonize - the community in which writers create, publish, discuss and edit their work.
4. Share
The most popular resources for writers - it Red Room and Here you can read what other people write and discuss their work and publish your own. If you need feedback, and try WritingRoom. On these sites you can invite friends, acquaintances and even passers-by to evaluate and edit your work.
5. Publish The World Wide Web will help you not only to work on the book, but in turning it into a real issue on the shelves of bookstores. Internet publishing: Lulu, Amazon, CreateSpace not only publish your work, but it can help with registration at the ISBN, various lists and catalogs and delivering it in real and virtual bookstores. publishing house Blurb will release a limited edition of the book with the original design, and it will be possible to give to friends and acquaintances.
If you choose to go the traditional route and publish a book, you'll need an agent. It can be found at AgentQuery. This is the site with the free base of literary agents, recognized journals Writer's Digest the best resource for writers.
That's how the internet can help you in converting ideas into a book - the rest is up to you. Good luck!