What you should know about the inscriptions on the labels of products
Purchases Food / / December 19, 2019
If you care about your health, and read the labels before you buy food, you've probably seen such common phrases as "made from whole grain" or "dark chocolate." You would think that such products will be more helpful for your health, but then you are wrong. Everyone wants to buy healthy food, and the food industry knows this and has successfully used. Here are five common phrases that trick you in the store.
1. Multizernovye products / whole grains
In whole grain foods have many advantages: they reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, helps keep weight under control. Unfortunately, the store is almost impossible to buy such products.
What is a whole grain? It must consist of three components: the shell, germ and endosperm. When, during the processing, manufacturers separated shell and embryo from the nucleus, it can not be considered greater integer, and half of all the advantages that it has disappear.
The concept of "multizernovye" products means that products are made from different types of grains, and does not mean that there is a whole grain. But even if there is a mark on the product "whole grain", which means that it contains at least 8 grams of whole grain. If it says 100% whole, then, it is not less than '16
So, better to choose bread, pasta, crackers and 100% of the whole, or even better, those in which fewer ingredients. So more likely to buy a product with a lot of whole grains.
2. Dark chocolate
When it became known that dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, a sweet tooth exhaled and relaxed. That is, even taking care of health, you can treat yourself to dark chocolate without feeling like a criminal.
But to understand how in fact the case with chocolate, it is necessary to go back to the study. The health benefits of chocolate was discovered with a cocoa content of 70% or more. We also called the dark chocolate products containing from 55 to 64% cocoa.
Cocoa fruits have flavonoids - natural antioxidants that are beneficial to the cardiovascular system. It is because of them we get the health benefits of dark chocolate, and the smaller cocoa found in chocolate, the less health benefits. In addition, there is chocolate and sugar, which is not exactly call useful.
3. Natural ingredients
Many manufacturers indicate as advertising on the packaging of the product "is made from natural ingredients." It sounds as though they are many times more useful, but, in fact, this is not always the case. For example, take the "natural" peanut butter, which consists of peanut, sugar, palm oil and salt.
Sugar and all its natural form - is still sugar, a large number of which leads to obesity. Palm oil is not much better, it increases the level of cholesterol. And what is the use of such "natural" product?
To buy real natural products, take those in which there is only one ingredient without additions in the form of sugars, oils and other ingredients.
4. Natural fruit
Consumers tend to be so lazy that do not want to read the back of the packaging and catchy limited statements on the front side. One of the problems in this regard received wide publicity in 2012 when a woman noticed that her dry Breakfast with strawberries contains strawberries, and the only thing that was there from real fruit - this concentrate pears.
So if you bought a dessert "of real fruit," it does not mean that they are somehow good for your health.
5. Without cholesterol
The inscription "contains no cholesterol" can be seen on various products, and often put it on the packaging of food, in which cholesterol can not be determined.
Cholesterol is found only in foods animal originAnd if you saw a sign on the label vegetable product, we can only applaud this brand marketers.