RECIPES: Pasta with zucchini for 15 minutes
Food / / December 19, 2019
The recipe is not quite winter, but a little bit of summer in the middle of winter, we can not hurt. And at the same time a portion of vitamins and good mood!
In the original recipe, all used in its raw form (except for the pasta, of course), so I'll add a few notes on my own for those who are not interested in raw food.
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If it was summer, I would really encourage you to try to do everything clearly on the prescription. But since it is winter, and shops selling imported or hothouse vegetables, it is better not to take risks and expose them to a modicum of heat treatment. Taste dishes from this, in my opinion, absolutely not affected.
The original recipe
Ingredients: 2-3 fresh tomatoes, cut into small pieces, thinly sliced 1 garlic clove, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts bit nuts, fresh basil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a little sea salt and one small zucchini, cut lengthwise into thin strips.
Preparation. While pasta is cooked, mix all the fresh ingredients except the zucchini in a bowl and give infuse for 20 minutes. Then add thin strips and zucchini garnish basil leaves. Optionally, you can add a little cheese and a little lemon or lime juice.
As if it's ready I
As I have said, in the middle of winter in our stores is quite difficult to find high-quality and delicious fresh vegetables (this applies to tomatoes and zucchini). Therefore, in order not to risk their health, can be slightly modified recipe.
1. Tomatoes pour over boiling water and remove the skins. Or use canned, but the maximum to remove the juice.
2. Use dry basil. To decorate, you can bet the fresh leaves.
3. Cook the zucchini in the oven or in a frying pan.
Since I cook pasta with zucchini more than once, I can vouch for the fact that even just a little roasted zucchini in a pan in olive oil with addition of salt, dried basil and garlic you very enjoy.
If you do not want to fry, zucchini strips, send a bit then in the oven or under the grill (not more than two or three minutes!). Then pour the mixture of olive oil, garlic, basil dry (or mixture of Italian grass) and salts thereof. And give so little to stand.
Mixture: 5-6 tablespoons olive oil add half a teaspoon of herbs or mixtures of Italian dry basil, salt and a clove of garlic squeeze. Adjust the amount of salt to your liking.
Smeshavaete in a bowl of chopped canned tomatoes, zucchini and walnuts and add to all this mixture, in which the "rest" of the liver zucchini strips. And all of this is adding to the finished paste. On request, at the end you can add a bit of your favorite cheese.
Prepare all this a maximum of half an hour and does not require any special culinary talents. But it turns out very tasty!