Recipes: Cocktails to help resist colds and decorate your holiday table
Food / / December 19, 2019
On the nose the New Year and Christmas holidays, and as if it did not sound sad, cold and flu season. We decided to combine business with pleasure and collect delicious, warming cocktails for you, which are not only will bring a little variety to your party, but also help fight colds viruses.
Honey, lemon, herbal tea with a splash of rum - with this, perhaps, begin.
Cocktail «Bran's Bram»
Ingredients: berry herbal tea bags or custard in one portion 45 ml white rum, teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey and a spiral lemon peel.
Preparation. Fill tea in a cup of about 180 ml of hot water and let brewed for 2-3 minutes. Remove the tea leaves from the cup, add rum, lemon juice and honey and mix well. Before serving, garnish with a cocktail spiral of lemon peel.
Cocktail IMPERIA Sweet Standard
The recipe contains vodka IMPERIA, but you can use any other of your choice.
Ingredients: 50 ml of vodka, 1 teaspoon of honey, 2-3 ice cubes, a piece of fresh ginger for decoration.
Preparation. Mix all ingredients and shake well. Serve in a glass with a circle of fresh ginger as decoration.
Cocktail "Christmas rum punch"
Ingredients: 6 oranges, cloves, nutmeg, 1 bottle of rum, 1/2 cup sugar (preferably brown), 2 liters of apple cider.
Preparation. Nashpiguyte oranges with cloves and bake in the oven for as long as they do not become soft. Put in a carafe, add the rum and sugar. Mix well and set on fire. After a few minutes to begin slowly trickle pour cider, thereby extinguishing the flame. Add to drink 2-3 sticks of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg and serve.
Cocktail "Tom and Jerry"
Ingredients: 12 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 bottle of brandy, a pinch of ground allspice, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of ground cloves, 1 bottle of dark rum, milk and nutmeg.
Preparation. Separate the whites from the yolks. Proteins whisk to form steep foam (so as not settled) and yolks together with sugar beat. Until the yolks still thickens, add them to 120 ml of brandy and add a little ground cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Then add proteins to the egg yolks and again mix well.
The cups for feeding place 1 tablespoon of the mixture, then add an additional 30 ml Roma, 30 ml brandy and so hot milk to the cup was filled to the top, and again beat the mixture to foam. Top you can sprinkle with ground nutmeg and sweet lovers - grated chocolate.
Cocktail "of St. Bruno Medicine"
Ingredients: Gin 30 ml, 30 ml of a yellow chartreuse, a few drops Angostura or balsam apple cider 120 ml, 30 ml fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, 6 peas black pepper and slice of an apple.
Preparation. Heat the dish, add to it a gin, liqueur and balm. In a separate small saucepan, mix apple cider, lemon juice, honey and black pepper, bring to a boil, remove from heat and stir until then, until the honey dissolves. Strain mixture into the cup through a strainer. Before serving, garnish with a slice of apple cup.