Recipe for perfect eggs Benedict
Food / / December 19, 2019
Eggs Benedict - one of those dishes that look more difficult than preparing. Simplify and accelerate the technology of preparation will help a couple of life hacking, ensuring a perfect result.
- 2 egg yolks;
- 150 g butter;
- 2ΒΌ tsp wine vinegar;
- 2 eggs;
- ham, muffins, fresh herbs - to feed.
Cooking eggs Benedict does not begin with the eggs themselves, but with classic sauce gollandez. It is prepared almost like mayonnaiseBut unlike the latter hollandaise sauce made with butter and above the water bath.
Construct waterbath, placed on top of a bowl suitable diameter saucepan of boiling water. Take care that the hot water does not touch the bottom of the bowl. Whisk two egg yolks, throw them a quarter teaspoon of vinegar and continue whisking egg yolks, adding portions of small cubes of butter.
Adding cold butter helps to achieve perfect emulsifying mixture and uniformly cool the egg yolks, once again has saved them from collapse.
Beat, not stopping until you have added all the oil and season the sauce with salt and pepper to taste. You can also splash a little more vinegar. The consistency of the finished sauce should be quite thick.
Sauce is served warm, so you can leave it over a bowl of hot water, after removing it from the heat.
Next should be prepared eggs. Bring water to a boil, and pour salt remaining vinegar. Beat in egg and bring the cup to the surface of the water, carefully pour the egg into water and reduce heat to prevent water was boiling.
No need to turn the funnel, to achieve the ideal form, as rising from the bottom of the air bubbles will separate themselves watery protein fraction and rounded egg.
Remove the protein foam and any filamentous appendages. Place the egg on a towel to get rid of excess moisture.
Arrange the slices of ham on fried bread, place the egg on top and pour a generous portion of sauce.
Garnish with herbs and will be served immediately.