Is it possible to trust the advice of a raw food diet of those who live in Bali
Food Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
To begin with, that I first syroednuyu diet without any preparations began in Moscow in 2012. Summer, was lazy, hot and there is no one to cook. Coming back from the studio, I came across a weekend fair, which is now actively lining up all over Moscow from Friday to Sunday. The chip is fair that there is a seller - a person who has their farms, who drags fruit from the Caucasus.
Guys monitor the quality and responsible for showmanship, since otherwise the next time a person buys products from another. This is an important difference between living sellers from the supermarket, where rotten and immature fruits and vegetables lie in a common heap.
In the summer season begins fruits and cherries better than in Moscow, I did not eat anywhere else, except in the Crimea, as a child. I became zatarivatsya fruits, vegetables and nuts for a week, the cooking process - wash yes cut. Then I did a new startup, his dj-school Music Academy prodakshenom and in the studio, so this diet helped me to free up time for their hobbies.
I am also actively involved in a run in the morning. I get up at 5-6 am, read, and from 7 to 9 hours run and practiced in the Tagansky park. With physical activity was all right.
As a result, over the summer I have found a perfect shape, great night's sleep and no matter what did not complain. predominantly syroednaya diet It provides real ease: you do not feel the body, the absolute unity of the soul. No sleepiness after a meal, there is no gravity, no creative decline.
Arriving in Bali for the first time, I was fascinated by the abundance of incredibly delicious seasonal fruits - mango, mangosteen, papaya, rambutan, and so on - at an affordable price. With vegetables is not so well, but you can find them, too, and make a wonderful salad of local vegetables and herbs.
On Bali very hot and humid. Is there or boiled meat food is extremely difficult, especially during the day, and if there is in the evening, in the morning a lot harder to do sports. I am here for a very active lifestyle. Moreover, probably only in Bali, I really began to feel the need and the strength of his body.
In Moscow, all vehicles - there sat, there sat. In Bali, I drive a bike, do boxing and surfing, and any deviation from the norm in the diet or healthy lifestyle is felt strongly.
In the noise of the city, we do not hear of your body, do not feel the rhythm of your heart, do not understand what is trying to convey to us the soul.
City suppresses these feelings in us, hiding behind the lights of constant illusion of movement to nowhere.
Answering the question of why living in Russia must believe the stories about the benefits of a raw food diet of those living at the equator, I will say this: yes, there should be people of Russia believe syroednoe food. You can continue to sit on the ground with sour faces and poor health.
But I always try to encourage simple.
I am not sure that is completely syroednaya diet is worth it (guilt for refusing to make their negative case), but mostly syroednaya diet (80 percent) definitely worth it. It is always possible to dilute it with rice, buckwheat, tofu, noodles even finally. But the main thing - do not clog your colon by 80% every day varonkoy. And adhere to the principles of separate power supply, once again without overloading the body digesting incompatible products.
In Bali, many people eat ugly, sick and poisoned. Just like everywhere else. Just then better able to supply ideal tasty and healthy fruit.
What to do about Russian or any other inhabitant of the metropolis, or any city, where winter and autumn are more than six months? Yes cut out.
I have lived in Western Siberia 17 years. There is nothing there for good health, except for cranberries. Money? Yes, you can earn them everywhere, do not be fooled. Well, if you like to live there, to delve into the local flora, what, where and how to grow, meet with local farmers, buy the best products from living people who grow their own hands. And then feel your body.
Change diet - is not a matter of one day. I gave up meat in 2010, and a year moved to a logical diet for a year (do not eat other living creature, do not eat boiled or fried food constantly). Twenty-five years I have eaten everything.
If another 25 years will go out to eat in harmony with themselves and nature, I am ready to go for it!
P. S. I reveal the secret. The last four months I spend experiment (partly unconscious) that break the rules of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle, roughly speaking, live and eat almost as much as I lived before moving. I live as all live in a big city and is considered the norm. The results are appalling, and the good enough reason to understand that I temporarily started. Now I'm just at the exit of the experiment, so very soon to share their observations, how life has changed, the perception of reality and tone. Interesting discoveries have turned out.