Is it harmful to eat the same thing every day
Food / / December 19, 2019
Drawing up the menu and food preparation - a nagging headache that does not deviate in any weekday or weekend. Therefore, the same dishes the same ingredients over and over again appear on our table. They quickly turn into duty ration, and it is alarming to any person who is committed to a balanced diet. Fortunately, monotonous food - it is not a death sentence for your health.
Recently, Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) said, the whole world, as if it dress up on the occasion of the return to work of a short maternity leave? It had to choose from the same light gray identical shirts and dark gray sweatshirts. The meaning of the joke is obvious: a successful person values every minute and does not waste itself in vain.
Of course, there is an analogy between the clothing and food. Many people consciously simplify your diet, so it does not clog the head and takes a lot of time. And there is a grain of truth, because the search for new recipes, queues in shops, and culinary experiments - even those
time killer. Although, in truth, the monotonous diet is often associated with the echoes of the Soviet era grocery impotence.And all would be nothing if the food did not seem monotonous to us unhealthy.
Why food should be varied
The more diverse the food, the more you eat. Imagine a buffet of several vegetable dishes, and compare it with one large bowl of salad. What do you choose? Man is born with the instinct of saturation, so we without hesitation shagnom the Swedish abundance. And instinct is triggered even if the vegetarian menu, replaced by a more realistic equivalent - fast food. For this reason, in order not to overeat, it is necessary to limit the variability of food.
Susan Roberts (Susan Roberts)
In the human genome enclosing a mandatory instruction: eat larger variety of foods. And there is a good reason.
Neither product contains optimal amounts of all the nutrients we need for health. Therefore, to get everything you need in a sufficient amount, people eat a variety of foods.
In favor of diversity also said joint study Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard School of Public Health. Scientists have studied the diet of 59 038 women to track the impact of useful and not so products on life expectancy and mortality from specific causes. It was found that those participants who ate 16-17 useful products, the risk of death was 42% lower than those who ate up to eight such products. The work was very interesting advice.
Proper nutrition affects life expectancy. It is important to increase the amount of useful products than to reduce the number of their less useful counterparts.
By the way, to useful products have been classified as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, fish and low-fat dairy products. Among the less useful it turned out red meat, Refined carbohydrates, sugar and foods high in saturated fat.
Hidden nuance varied diet
On the other hand, the scientific world has information that a varied diet is not so useful when it comes to the microbiome - population microorganisms that live in the human body, it supports the digestive system, helps control appetite and performs many other important functions.
Typically, a variety of bacteria in the gut comes only benefit. But we found that in some animal products mixing reduces the number and diversity of the intestinal bacteria.
Daniel Bolnick (Daniel Bolnick)
In this case, the scientist warns against the wrong conclusions. It is a mistake to believe that the various food It gives a negative effect. Rather, the combination of the individual products can lead to unexpected consequences.
Even if you know about the impact of product A and product B influence on digestion, you can not predict what will happen with the microbiome, when you eat and do both at once. There is no doubt that the modern person eats more diverse than it used to. But it is good or not - is an open question.
So whether or not there is the same food every day? Of course, a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and meat with potatoes for dinner cause nutrient deficiency. However, if you consume a minimum of six species vegetables with a high content of useful trace elements, you do not have to worry about. Just make sure that your meals colorful fall vegetables. Color is generally correlated with various nutrients. And stay away from starchy vegetables such as potatoes the same.
Dr. Roberts offers a daily menu, which will give the body everything you need:
- Greek yogurt with fresh fruit - in the morning,
- spinach or lettuce leaves with chicken under vegetables - in the middle of the day,
- fruit and nut smoothies - in the afternoon,
- fried vegetables with brown rice - the evening.
Of course, this is one of the many options and you can create your own menu so that eat monotonous, but full. In this case, Susan recommends cautious with exotic superfoodsIf you want to be truly healthy.