How to cook buckwheat: step by step guide
Educational Program Food / / December 19, 2019
To buckwheat porridge was delicious and crumbly, you need to specifically prepare grits, pick the right dishes, and keep a few important conditions.
Step 1
Go through the rump. Even if you buy an expensive product, it is likely that there will be plant debris. So do not be lazy to look buckwheat and remove all foreign elements.
step 2
Rinse the buckwheat. Enough to make it a couple of times under running water until the liquid is clear.
step 3
Calcined grits on a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. This is necessary in order to buckwheat was crumbly and more fragrant.
Fire set is small and do not overdo it: as soon as you feel a pleasant aroma of buckwheat, proceed to the next step. Usually 3-4 minutes is more than enough.
step 4
Put the cereal in a pot of salted water. Water must be two times more than buckwheat. To avoid mistakes, use the same measuring cup for cereals and water.
The best option for cooking buckwheat - dishes with a thick bottom. It provides the perfect amount of steam, which is responsible for the preparation of porridge.
step 5
Bring water to a boil and remove the scum skimmer. Then reduce heat to low and cover the pan with a lid. Boil buckwheat 12-20 minutes. At this time, it is better not to open the pot and stir porridge. Otherwise, you can break a temperature mode.
step 6
Check readiness buckwheat, having a spoon along the bottom. If there is no water or porridge is a little adheres to it, so it can be removed from the stove.
step 7
Add a piece of buckwheat butter or ghee. Then cover the pan with a lid, wrap a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. So porridge will be more tender.
step 8
additional tips
- To accelerate the cooking process, buckwheat soak for a few hours before cooking. It will absorb the water and cook much faster.
- Cook buckwheat porridge with milk needed for 10-15 minutes longer than on the water. You can also cook the buckwheat on the water, and then to add to her warmed milk and cook until complete evaporation of the liquid.
- If you cook the porridge in multivarka, Follow the same procedure as in the conventional process. Desired mode - "Buckwheat." If not, try using the modes "Figure" or "Milk porridge".
You know other secrets of making the perfect buckwheat? Share them in the comments.