Healthy breakfast, which your children will be able to cook for 2 minutes
Food / / December 19, 2019
Do you want to prepare your child for breakfast something tasty, but do not want at the same time spend a lot of time to cook? Or maybe you want your child to learn to cook yourself? Today we share with you a simple recipe for a delicious breakfast of eggs, which your children can prepare themselves.
These recipes - fiction Brooke McLay, mother of four, who knows first hand how important it is to teach their children to cook.
As a busy mom, I decided to reconsider their attitude to family life and realized that most of the responsibilities in the home that I was doing myself, my children can be charged.
Rather than simply satisfy their whims, I have decided that now is the time to teach them to be strong, independent and self-sufficient - exactly as I would like to see them.
This decision led to a few changes. For example, I was no longer need to spend a lot of time to prepare the children to school lunch. It was a great opportunity to motivate children to cook for themselves.
We picked up a few simple recipes for healthy food, and I taught her children how to cook anything else other than sandwiches.
All my children (and I have four of them) were able to cooking. Before, I did not know it, and felt that their maximum - a cereal with cold milk. Even my youngest started to make their own school lunches themselves, moreover, could consider himself something to eat and after school.
We have a small list of ideas of recipes, which is attached to the refrigerator, and I was always confident that the kitchen has the necessary products.
Now our favorite dish - it's baked eggs, because it is a great way to get the required amount of protein.
If the kids want to cook this dish, I suggest they look into the fridge to find a variety of ingredients that are great to complement it. Very easy to create a variety of options to add anything new.
Kids love to add ingredients that fall to them to taste, and I like to watch as they are passionate about cooking. This recipe is perfect for breakfast, lunch and school snacks. A fun and easy way to teach your kids to cook.
Here are some of our favorite combinations of ingredients:
- 1 Egg + + mushrooms sliced cheese;
- 1 Egg + + basil tomatoes;
- 1 egg diced ham + + + cheddar cheese chives + tomatoes;
- 1 egg parmesan + + + spinach chopped garlic;
- 1 egg coriander + + + salsa diced sausage.
Baked eggs for 2 minutes
Ingredients (1 serving):
- vegetable oil;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tablespoons of milk or cream (can replace the unsweetened almond or soy milk);
- 1/2 cup of your favorite ingredients, diced (we use ham, basil, tomatoes, bacon bits and onions);
- a pinch of salt and pepper.
Cooking method:
- Take two tablespoons of vegetable oil and grease form. Set aside.
- Mix the eggs and milk (or cream) you selected ingredients, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Pour the resulting mass into a baking dish.
- Put a shape in the microwave bake until ready (about 2 minutes, but depends on the microwave power. It recommended so bake for 30 seconds, then 30 seconds and 1 minute since the egg rises and can flow out of the bowl). Allow to cool slightly, and then pull out of the microwave oven via tack welding. Eat and enjoy, before it gets cold!