What causes breath
The most common reason - it is dry in the mouth. Due to insufficient amount of water entering the body reduces production of saliva. Language cells begin to die, the bacteria become more active, and these processes cause a bad smell.
Also, bad breath can cause leftover food stuck in his mouth. If you brush your teeth thoroughly enough, the same bacteria collected in the mouth and cause odor.
Another reason for bad breath - it is the food that we eat. We know about the garlic, onions and cigarettes, which cause unpleasant odor, but this is only half the problem. Fasting and strict diets can also cause bad breath. The body begins to break down fat reserves, releasing ketones, which give such an effect.
Do not forget about the reasons of a medical nature. Diseases of kidney, liver, diabetes, and pulmonary infections can also cause bad breath. If you have symptoms of one of these diseases, it is best to consult a doctor. However, the most common causes of bad breath can be overcome on their own.
How to tell if his mouth smells
The most unpleasant way - to hear from your interlocutor. But this is a critical situation and we made every effort to avoid it.
Here are some less radical ways.
• Pink pure language indicates a normal smell, white plaque suggests otherwise.
• If you have at hand is a spoon can hold it a few times on the tongue, allow to dry, and then it smelled.
• Lick your wrist, wait a few seconds and smell it.
Does not work: substitute to his mouth and his hands cupped to exhale into them. In most cases, you will not feel bad smell.
How to get rid of unpleasant odors
The bad news: there is no way to get rid of bad breath once and for all. You eat each day, so keep an eye on oral have thing every day. And these are the main ways to fight bad breath.
1. Drink plenty of water. Dry environment more favorable for bacteria, therefore an insufficient amount of water would lead to an unpleasant smell.
2. Use tongue scrapers. There is no better way than to clean language. On it's going to the greatest number of bacteria - they are the cause of bad breath.
3. Rinse your mouth with a special fluid. It can be found in any supermarket. Measure the amount of fluid and said rinse her mouth for 30 seconds. After that, do not eat or smoke at least 30 minutes.
4. Use dental floss. Bacteria remain between the plurality of teeth. The only way to get rid of them - it's dental floss.
5. Eat the right foods. There are several products, which also help in the fight against bad breath. This green tea, cinnamon, oranges, berries, apples and celery.
What to use instead of gum
Most experts agree that chewing gum - it is the most useless way to deal with an unpleasant odor. Here's what you can chew, as an alternative:
• anise,
• Cardamom,
• fennel,
• cinnamon sticks (break off a small piece)
• cloves (no more than one bud)
• parsley.
These tips will help get rid of the odor, if you follow them regularly.