7 products that will help you work better
Productivity Food / / December 19, 2019
Elvira Valiullina
Brand manager hybrid space "Table».
Food not only affects the health, well-being and figure, but also in the brain. For example, fatty food worsensBoost your memory by eating right. short-term memory. And if during the work to think about a piece of pizza, willHigh-calorie food-cues impair working memory performance in high and low food cravers. slow on the uptake and less to remember. But there is good news: there are products that stimulate the brain.
1. Coffee
It is no secret that thanks to coffee to overcomeCaffeine and adenosine. drowsiness and feel more energetic. It is a merit of caffeine: it blocks adenosine, which causes fatigue and a desire to sleep. So a cup of coffee in the morning is not just a ritual, and a good habit.
Cheer during the workday caffeine will also help: it increasesEffects of caffeine on mood and performance: a study of realistic consumption. concentration and reduces the reaction time. After a cup of coffee you will work more efficiently.
Council: cheerfulness after a cup of coffee - one-time event. Do not drink too much in an attempt to feel better. Caffeine - a psychostimulant addictive. If they are abused, the brain adapts and stops to take a reasonable amount of coffee as a stimulant. Therefore, try not to drink more than 1-2 cups a day.
2. nuts
When you are working, the brain tense and consumes energy. And the more complex the task, the more energy it needs. Nuts are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, protein, brain therefore provide energy, improveCognition: the new frontier for nuts and berries. his cognitive ability and memoryLONG-TERM INTAKE OF NUTS IN RELATION TO COGNITIVE FUNCTION IN OLDER WOMEN. . A magnesium in the composition of nuts protects the body from stress and strain.
For the brain most useful walnuts. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, essentialNovel insights into the effect of vitamin B₁₂ and omega-3 fatty acids on brain function. for brain activity.
Council: know the measure. In the nuts a lot of calories and fat, so that by them you can easily get fat. For the same reason, try to eat nuts, sugar and salt. Kozinaki, bars or salted peanuts - it's not the healthiest snack.
3. Salmon fish
Our brain is 60%Omega-3 Fatty Acids and their Role in Central Nervous System. of fat, and half of this fat - omega-3 fatty acids. The brain uses them to create new neurons and nerve cells, which are neededNovel insights into the effect of vitamin B₁₂ and omega-3 fatty acids on brain function. for learning and memory.
Omega-3 is not produced by the body, so the only way to get them - with food or food additives. Most fatty acids in the salmon fish species: somge, salmon and trout. If you do not eat fish, then talk to your doctor about receiving fish oil.
People who regularly eat fish in the brain longerRegular fish consumption and age-related brain gray matter loss. gray matter compared to those who eat it rare. Just gray matter controls memory and is responsible for making decisions.
Council: The World Health Organization recommendsPreventing heart attacks and strokes. eat fish at least twice a week. It is useful for the brain, heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
4. Pumpkin seeds
For the brain needs magnesium, iron and zinc. These trace elements are in pumpkin seeds and their oil.
MagnesiumMagnesium in man: implications for health and disease. needed for learning and memory, zincZinc: indications in brain disorders. - for neurons, ironIron deficiency on neuronal function. - for concentration and perception. Lack of these nutrients slows down the brain with age isZinc and its effects on oxidative stress in Alzheimer's disease. cause dementia (Alzheimer's disease).
Council: as well as nuts, pumpkin seeds are very high in calories: they are 556 calories per 100 grams The day is enough to eat 25-30 grams - such as adding them to the porridge for breakfast or tucking pumpkin oil salad.
5. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate with cocoa content greater than 70% improvesConsumption of cocoa flavanols results in an acute improvement in visual and cognitive functions. memory and promotesThe sweet life: The effect of mindful chocolate consumption on mood. production of dopamine, which is a positive effect on mood.
In the United States conductedChocolate intake is associated with better cognitive function: The Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study. experiment, which was attended by 968 people. Some of them were eating chocolate regularly, and others - rarely. Participants were given to perform the same task. As a result, better cope with them those who ate chocolate frequently.
Council: do not eat too much chocolate, especially milk. It increases the blood sugar level and a short time causes a feeling of tiredness and lethargy.
6. bilberry
blueberries superpowers will not add, but will protectBlueberry supplementation improves memory in older adults. brain cells from age-related changes. All thanks to anthocyanins - antioxidant that gives blueberries blue.
Anthocyanins are accumulated in the organism and enhanceRecent advances in berry supplementation and age-related cognitive decline. communication between brain cells. Exhibit similar properties and other berries: blackcurrant, cranberry and blueberry.
Council: useful properties have not only fresh but also frozen blueberries. But better not to have dried: it is too sweet and not so useful.
7. Turmeric
Turmeric - This spice, which is made from the same plant. It is usually added to the rice to give it a nice yellow color and is used in the composition of curry sauce. It is good for the mental faculties and improves mood.
Antioxidant curcumin in its composition protectsThe effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer's disease. brain cells from aging and promotesAntidepressant activity of curcumin: involvement of serotonin and dopamine system. production of dopamine and serotonin, which helps fight depression.
Council: although turmeric and useful, do not eat it with spoons. It is better to add spice to baked potatoes, rice, fish and chicken dishes.