Reddit user under the nickname MomosOnSale I asked readers who are professionally engaged in cooking, what ordinary people can not know the simple truth. Collected 13 "no", it is worth remembering that if you are at least sometimes cook for yourself or your family.
1. Do not store different types of food on one shelf of the refrigerator to avoid cross-contamination. Fruits and vegetables are on top, it is possible to eggs below - beef, fish, poultry. Chicken juice instantly infect fresh vegetables, never put them side by side.
2. Do not buy giant set knives. I make a living cooking, I cut 10-20 ducks per week and I have 6 knives. And this too much - I just like it. On ordinary family kitchen knife need three, not more. Standard chef's knife, a paring knife (which few people use in the home kitchen - and for good reason), and medium-sized knife for slicing vegetables.
3. Contrary to popular belief, olive oil is not eternal and can be damaged. Do not feel sorry to throw a bottle of bad oil, even if there are still a lot of it.
4. Do not underestimate canned goods - just mix them with fresh food during cooking.
5. Do not roll into monotony. Most American and European families prepare up to 20 meals. Buy unaccustomed ingredients, and experiment. We have not taken mushrooms? Try a new look, and not all of the same mushrooms or white. I love the bow, but it's time to buy white? Take the red or green, and prepare something with them! Do not be afraid of change.
- But buckwheat noodles (eg, soba) - an exception. If it does not wash out, everything will turn into a gelatinous mess.
HoboBeered and elenaran