10 products, to help clear the body of nicotine
Food / / December 19, 2019
Smoking is harmful, smoking kills. The sooner you end this addiction, the better. Nicotine is excreted from the body within one to three days, and as soon as that happens, you zadyshit deeply and instantly feel better. This process can be speeded up by eating certain foods.
Nicotine - a potent neurotoxin, in small doses has a stimulating effect on the psyche. It blocks acetylcholine receptors, resulting in neuronal and muscle cells begin to function properly. It creates nicotine have the habit of smoking itself, and speeds up the heart rate, increases blood pressure, and with it the risk of stroke.
Today, despite all the existing prohibitions and restrictions, as well as the latest research, which speak about the exceptional harmfulness smoking, people still opt for the use of tobacco. Of course, you can chew tobacco or even smell, like old times, but the fact remains that nicotine still gets to you in blood, regardless of the manner of its use.
But there are foods that help to quickly cleanse the body of nicotine. They recruited a dozen. Let's find out what dishes should be submitted to the desk to be a bit healthier in the near future.
1. Broccoli
The broccoli huge amounts of vitamins B5, C and B, which are responsible for the regulation of the most important processes in our body. Their deficiency can lead to malfunction of the vital functions. Broccoli makes up for supply of vitamin C and maintains metabolic rate. In addition, it contains NRF2 gene which protects the lungs from oxidative and inflammatory processes triggered by smoking.
2. Orange
Orange - a very powerful weapon against nicotine. This fruit citrus family charges the body perfectly our favorite vitamin C and helps to relieve stressThat we begin to experience, abandoning the nicotine nipples.
3. Spinach
Spinach - a favorite food sailor Popeye. A Popeye is known to be the strongest man in the world. Though fictional. By the way, the character he is very thoughtful and eats spinach is clearly not by chance the plant plenty of folic acid - a water-soluble vitamin (B9), necessary for the immune and circulatory systems. Spinach salad contribute to speedy withdrawal from nicotine are tired of fighting with him the body and returns you to normal sleeping mode and good spirits.
4. Ginger
A very useful thing. Yes, and tasty: worldwide ginger It has long been a favorite additive confectionery. In addition to the interesting flavor of ginger is known for its properties to heal cold, Removing inflammation in the throat and mouth.
The root of this plant in folk medicine is used almost everywhere, even for weight loss. For smokers, ginger is good that the substances contained in it, can help lower blood lipids. This has a positive effect on the whole the cardiovascular system a person who is recovering after years of regular poisoning.
5. Cranberry
As you've probably guessed, today we have a real vitamin hits. The next step cranberries: acid contained in it also helps to get rid of nicotine slavery. Nicotine raises blood sugar levels just as well as these berries. Therefore we advise you to replace cigarettes cranberry. This will help you to go through withdrawal.
6. Lemon
Lemon - one more tactical means of struggle with the stress associated with giving up smoking. If you smoke, nicotine is retained in the circulatory system to an average of three days, providing a devastating effect on your skin and immunity. Regain vitality the body will all the same vitamin C and citric acid itself. Drink tea with lemon, do lemonade or add lemon in food - how do you like the most.
7. Carrot
Now is the time to mention other vitamin - vitamin A. Smoker regularly depletes its reserves - as many times per day as brings the flame to the tip of a cigarette. When levels of vitamins A and C falls in the body begin to die nerve cells, disrupted blood circulation and, consequently, the normal functioning of the brain. Eat carrot more often: it is believed that beta-carotene, which it very much, have immunostimulatory properties.
8. Garnet
As you know, smoking breaks your heart rate, leading to arrhythmia, and many other unpleasant consequences. Natural vascular permeability deteriorates, resulting in all cells of the body begins to lack of oxygen. Clean the circulatory system and improve blood circulation helps grenades. It is rich in macro- and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and sodium. Pomegranate juice is useful in anemia and disorders stomachThat lovers to smoke often suffer.
9. wheat germ
Once in the blood, nicotine strongly constricts blood vessels, the pressure increases. As a result, smokers are starting to feel much worse than healthy people. Wheat germ rich in vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant and a natural immunomodulator. Useful properties of this product is more than enough: it rejuvenates and stable work of the whole organism.
10. Cabbage
There is an opinion that the crops reduces the risk of oncological diseases and is a natural source of isothiocyanates - biologically active compounds which are responsible for a number of vital functions: to protect the body from bacteria, the harmful effects of ionizing radiation and the development of cancer cells.
That's right, friends. If you still smoke, dispose of immediately: it's much easier than you think. Here is what the musician and actor Pyotr Mamonov:
How to quit smoking? What do market? To take and throw tomorrow morning! As was: the house was bombed, killed his wife and children... He took a sack on his shoulders - and forward, and went. No suicide, went to fight on. There is nothing: a loaf of bread, knife and salt. And they say: I can not quit smoking. Ugh, shame! Fads! Nonsense dog!
So go ahead, to shop for the right products! And still a good idea to then go on jogging.
Stay healthy, eat well and read Layfhaker!