How to add a button I do not like on Facebook
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
In this article you will learn how to add a button I did not like in the Facebook interface. With it, you can really appreciate someone else's post or comment by putting your Dislike.
Facebook started to implement about 50 variants gender of its users. Well that social network support people's freedom of expression. But why there is still no simple possibility to put Dislike? Although the requirements Facebook fans to add a button "I do not like" sound for a long time. If you for some reason want to express their negative attitude to the post or comment, install an extension for Google Chrome called Dislike. With it you can distribute turned down the index finger all deserve eccentrics with the letter "m."
Recall that also your emotions, you can splash out on Facebook with the help of voice messages. But if this is too much, we can restrict dislaykom. Simply install the extension and the corresponding button will appear in the interface.
Of course, we have not raised a hand, and we could not klatsnut "I do not like" under such a great photo. The poet's dream, nothing else! In addition, Layfhaker - it's just a positive blog.
The author promises to update the extension with changes in the social network interface. Therefore, once faced with incorrect display or no Dislike button, just a little bit patient, functionality should be revisited.
What do you think, can Facebook on a voluntary basis should implement the button "I do not like?"