How convenient to send from Dropbox files with Gmail
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Gmail e-mail service has many millions of users. Not inferior to him in popularity and storage service Dropbox data. So we could not get past the news that is sure to please both the first and second.
Currently, the size of files that can be sent using Gmail service, is limited to 25 megabytes. If you want to send a three-dimensional attachment, Google will recommend that you use the services of Google Drive cloud storage. Yes, it's really good, but only for those who use this service. And what about those who prefer Dropbox and is not going to abandon him?
Especially for this category of users the company Dropbox has released a browser-extension (only for Chrome), which integrates key cloud storage in Gmail.
After installing the extension, go to the Gmail mail service interface and start writing a new message. Here you will meet the pop-up window that will introduce you to a new icon that appears in the toolbar to create a new letter. It looks as Dropbox icon. By pressing it is to be expected window is displayed with the contents of your cloud storage.
Here you need to select the desired file and insert it as a link in the message body. The recipient of your shipment in just one click will go to this link and view the contents of a file (if the service Dropbox supports this format) or download it to your computer.
We hope that this simple extension really simplify your life and make use Gmail more convenient.
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