How easy to get around blocking Telegram and get freedom on the Internet
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Most users do not take the threat seriously blocking Telegram. To the last hoped that the messenger will continue to work as if nothing had happened. In fact, so it was, but only with the difference that the work to restore the Telegram have to exert some effort.
Built-in proxy servers that have been proposed as an official means to bypass blocking, due to the large influx of almost immediately began to run rough. Many began to look for alternative solutions. The most convenient of them - is the VPN, moreover paid, because all the free services suffer from the same problem and become unstable due to the large number of users.
In order not to miscalculate and get quality services, it is necessary to contact a proven VPN providers. One such service is world-renowned NordVPN. It can be used without the mess around the block Telegram and any other inaccessible due to resource constraints provider.
NordVPN runs on all major platforms. The service is available in the form of apps for iOS and Android, macOS and Windows, and browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox. For less popular solutions like Linux-distributions, Raspberry Pi, routers and NAS have separate detailed setup instructions.
How to bypass a blocked Telegram
1. go to link and set NordVPN, selecting your device.
2. Register an account and select a tariff plan.
3. Click the Quick Connect and enable the addition of VPN-connections.
Done! Now your Internet connection is protected, it is not subject lock.
why NordVPN
The main advantage of the service - it is its convenience. Protect your network connection and redirect traffic to bypass government restrictions can be on any device. Thus, once setting NordVPN, you can forget about it and just continue to use the Telegram and other resources locked in Russia.
Service provides complete privacy by completely encrypting all traffic on the standard AES-256-CBC military level. Through this service providers and regulators will be able to see only the fact of the connection to the VPN server, but not sites that you visit. As a bonus, users NordVPN also receive protection from malicious attacks and unwanted advertisements.
Due to a 3900 servers in 62 countries NordVPN boasts high speed and allows you to use a VPN to six devices simultaneously. Quickly work not only sites and instant messenger, but also streaming services, social networks and P2P-traffic. You will be able to use torrents and feel the differences in speed between the connection directly and through a VPN.
How much does it cost
One might think that for such a feature set will have to pay an exorbitant amount, but no. In NordVPN quite democratic tariff, where you can save if you pay for a year or two ahead.
When you pay a subscription for a year VPN service will cost 5.75 dollars a month. If the right to subscribe for two years, the price per month fell for the dollar to 3.29. And now and do a special offer that allows you to save even more. Arrange for a $ 99 subscription for three years, then every month service will cost only $ 2.75.