As you are interested to follow the advent of the Internet?
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
How to find out all the news that you're interested in, literally seconds after they are published?
Topsy - a specialized system for searching social media resources in real time. Among the options: filtering the time elapsed since the publication (1 hour, 1 day per week, 24 days, a month, or all time), the choice of language and publication of its type (text, photo or video).
On the search results you can subscribe via rss or email. Once the new publication you specify a search phrase will appear on the network, you will be notified instantly.
Topsy service can be used to monitor the publications of certain persons or events in full statistics of the number and the date of publication, and to instantly receive news on any topic you are interested in, or man. Additionally, you can use the service to see trending topics in runet and in the world.
By the way, in early 2012 Yandex started to cooperate with Topsy, and now the results of realtime-Topsy search using a search engine Yandex.