10 applications for the Mac, which will increase your productivity
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
One of the strengths of OS X is that Apple OS completes its excellent set of tools for the most common tasks. But as we know, there is no limit to perfection. Third-party developers understand this and are working very hard to provide us with tools that can deal with the known tasks faster, easier and simpler. Well, because the taste and color of comrades is not always useful to know about the existing alternatives. I suggest you get acquainted with ten tools from third-party developers to help increase your productivity in OS X. Almost all of them are free or do not cost too much.
1. iClipboard
We use the copy and paste very often during the day and do not even think about how it works. But imagine that the clipboard can be much more powerful than the human temporary memory. For example, it will be available the function of preserving the past results and easy navigation on them. This is exactly what makes iClipboard.
Among the applications that extend the functionality of the clipboard into OS X, iClipboard is the most elegant and comfortable. Convenient sidebar clipboard looks very nice and does not take up space on the screen, and called by pressing the "tab-tab" at the edge of the screen or customizable shortcuts. It saved hundreds of objects with which you interact: links, email etc and passwords, photos, and everything else. After the launch, the app monitors your clipboard and stores everything you copy. If you have installed the application to work with the clipboard, I highly recommend to try iClipboard. Its only drawback is the price: piece-license costs $ 30, but you can save cool, taking family pack (5 PCs) for $ 50. Believe me, it's worth it!
Buy iClipboard ($29,99)
2. Growl
Growl - is more than a system for the notification of all events happening on your Mac. If you for some reason unhappy with integrated notifications Center OS X - Install Growl. It can be used very flexibly customize the appearance and display an endless kaleidoscope of events taking place every second.
Themselves decide where and how you are notified and that it will happen. If you are working with a large number of applications at the same time (especially on laptops) such a thing as Growl will be indispensable for you.
3. BetterSnapTool
If you work on a laptop (read "limited screen space"), BetterSnapTool It makes organizing windows easier. The essence of this application is the possibility of positioning the windows in certain areas of the screen, at the same time asking the right size. For example, you can click on the window frame, and select the mode "left half" or "lower right quarter." This greatly helps if you want to keep at the same time before the eyes of the two documents. You can further simplify your life by customizing for each action (size and location) hotkeys.
In addition, a function of "sticking" (as in Windows), when you drag a window to a specific point on the screen - it is set to the specified dimensions.
Price: 229 rubles
4. Camouflage
Some users are always trying to keep order on your desktop and store files on it only temporarily or not kept at all. Others hold the opposite position and consider desktop - desktop by storing files, documents and photos. Adding to this the screenshots in OS X that are stored directly on the desktop, we get a complete chaos in this approach.
If you're not a supporter of «desktop zero», you can go on a little trick to get them to become. Camouflage can instantly clear your desktop, covering the whole mess with a layer of pure silk. And for this action, of course, configurable hotkey. When you need to gather your thoughts - just turn Camouflage, and when you are ready to meet face to face with your digital chaos - disconnect. Or turn off :)
UPD.Ons by our readers.
stas Litvinov:
Camouflage Instead, you can use the terminal:defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false && killall Finder
Files from the Desktop will be available in the Finder, and he will be pretty empty.
5. Found
If you can not make friends with native Spotlight or he you for some reason do not like - try Found. As an alternative to the search service, it is quite cope with their tasks. Like all other tools on this list, Found can be opened using a hot key. In addition to searching on the drive of your Mac, Found objects may be looking at Dropbox, Google Drive, Gmail and Evernote. Successful you search!
6. Flux
We can deny the harmful effects of the display throughout the day, but unfortunately, the fact remains - our eyes are bound to get tired. If you prihodtsya a long time to sit at the computer, you probably noticed that the daylight to work more comfortable, and in the evening when the window was dark, the display right eye eats. This is due to change during the day the color temperature of light. That is why, in the light of fluorescent lamps or incandescent display similar to a cold, blue abyss. tiny utility Flux help in such a situation. When you first start, it will determine your location (or you can do it manually) and will do warmer color display (as - you define yourself in the settings), as soon as the sun sits down and come dusk. In the morning, at sunrise, Flux will automatically return the color temperature of the display to the previous values.
Download Flux
7. Fluid
If you irritate the need to keep open tabs to access the sites that you visit often - I can please you. You can put an end to his torment by a Fluid. It allows you to create something like a single Web-based applications to any URL. By creating such fluids for sites that you need to constantly keep track of - you can switch between them as usual between applications via ⌘⇥, instead rush through open windows and tabs.
Buy Fluid ($4,99)
8. BetterTouchTool
Gestures OS X just fine and work great, but they do not always act the way we want. Trackpad settings provide the ability to only enable or disable certain features, but the gesture of change for a particular action - can not. As you know, if it is impossible, but very desirable - it is possible. BetterTouchTool just for such an occasion. Do not be put off by the abundance of options when you first start, it there is really a lot, but this is the Plus - you can configure (or reconfigure) gestures to many activities in OS X and installed applications.
Download BetterTouchTool
9. Notify
Notify It will be a good solution if you prefer to immediately respond to incoming mail. This simple little utility after installing the lodge in the menu bar and will inform you of new messages that you have not missed anything. You can make friends Notify with Growl, and then you will receive notifications of new posts in the same style, and even easier to notice such notification. Unfortunately, the app developer is not updated, and there are no declared support for OS X Mavericks. However, it works fine as long as no problem is.
Download Notify
10. Skitch
Skitch - one of my favorite apps. It is incredibly simple and just as convenient. This is a great tool for capturing and editing screenshots. I very often use Skitch, when to take screenshots for decoration articles. Its advantage is that it makes it easy to do simple operations: capturing screenshots, clip them, make notes - something for which to run Photoshop does not make sense. Plus, Skitch integration with Evernote, and then save and use your notes later, it will be very easy.
More about Skitch on MakRadare
Traditionally welcome your feedback in the comments. If I missed something worthwhile - added me, and if you use the best analogues of these applications - tell us about it!