I.am.here - an application that allows a paralyzed person to communicate with people
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
According to the international non-profit organization World Heart Federation, an annual 17 million strokes occur in the world. Nearly 6 million people die, 5 million are disabled. If we talk about Russia, that our country is suffering from a stroke every year about 500 000 people. Even in the case of preservation of brain activity, many people who have suffered strokes, losing speech function.
Loss of the ability to communicate with family, friends and the people around them often leads to a decrease of interest in life and the emergence of suicidal tendencies. Appendix I.am.here allow others to build a dialogue c patients, which is incredibly valuable for families affected by the stroke.
It was a simple solution - do not create new features or superhuman capabilities, and the ability to return the affected people, given birth, - the ability to speak. It was a long way to go: the years with doctors and scientists in the field of neurophysiology, the study of hundreds of scientific papers, but in the end we managed to create programmingovy algorithm based on publicly available technologies, allowing to build a dialogue with someone who has preserved brain activity, but physically he is not communicating leads.
We believe and hope that this decision will inspire millions of people from the field of neuroscience to create the perfect solution for people with whom there was a misfortune.
We set a goal to create a new form of communication for paralyzed people. After a study in the field of BCI and the human brain devices, we have developed a unique custom application. We transform data from the Emotive EPOC, in simple and clear form.
I.am.here for iOS and Android BCI translates the data into human language and makes it possible to see the entire history of communication in retrospect between paralyzed and their families. It is an honor for us - to create such a socially significant project.