Agent has received its first major update
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Eighteen months ago, we told about the application Agent Company Then the program has caused a lot of a lot of criticism: the clumsy interface, limited functionality, unstable operation.
A few days ago came the first major update of the Agent. What changed?
Screenshot from the site
First of all, the developers have rewritten almost from scratch application. The agent is still unlikely to qualify for the Apple Design Awards, but to use the program, you can now. Works, incidentally, is also stable - no crashes and hangs there, in contrast to the previous version.
Agent interface has undergone a major change: no longer look like alien, many unnecessary details have been removed. Now, as far as I know, in became seriously approach to interface design and the design, so, you see, a year later the agent will have to please the users.
Send the message window Agent
In terms of features of the program, changes little. Agent for Mac still lags behind the great Windows-based version. We immediately see which platform is considered to be a priority, and which focuses on case-by-case basis. If the Windows-program for a long time allows voice communication through VoIP-telephony, make video calls, supports chat with friends on ICQ, the Mac-an analogue of it is deprived. There is only the opportunity to chat with other users yes to learn about new and recording status in My World @ Mail. Ru
Immediately after the installation of Agent without permission prescribed in startup. Keep this in mind.
And finally, a quote:
«Macintosh users in Russia is still very small, but they tend to be the most demanding design and interface of any applications, it is among them the most refined aesthetes who are hard to please, - says Anna Artamonov, vice president of strategic projects Mail. Ru Group. - That is why we are very pleased that we were able to meet their needs. Our new Mac-version is already in the testing phase has caused a lot of positive feedback from the inveterate "makolyubov".
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