7 ways to use the iTunes Music Store features in Ubuntu
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Among the interesting multimedia features that were previously unavailable to users of Ubuntu Linux-distribution, - You can listen to podcasts, radio and music using iTunes from Apple (the launch of a Wine is not to suggest itself a). Store music content Apple iTunes Music Store is now available not only to Western music fans, but also the users of the Runet. Officially, this store has a native client for Mac and Windows. Today, I suggest you talk about how you can use this music store and for Linux.
Method №1: installation unofficial plugin multimedia player Banshee. It supports iTunes Music Store, but it is necessary to configure and compile. In addition, there may be limitations in the functionality of the store due to the use of the plugin. So that this method is recommended only for open-source enthusiasts.
Method №2: Application development from CodeWeavers called CrossOver Office. It is stable in operation than Wine, and allows "ubuntovodam" install a Windows-version of iTunes. So you can not only listen, but also to buy music without leaving the Ubuntu operating environment.
Method №3: He comes to listening to podcasts on any topic, as well as lectures and interactive audio / video courses within the specialized section iTunesU. Access to them can be obtained using the tools for the Firefox browser. To start, you need to install the following extensions for Firefox: UA switcher and Greasemonkey. Next, install and run this script- and you will be able to listen to podcasts and media courses from iTunes directly via your browser. Sometimes you may need a confirmation of compatibility with iTunes version 8.0 or higher.
Method №4: To access the content can be used iTunesU it is a simple Java-based application called jtunesu. It allows you to not only view the media content, but also play it with an external player (by default uses MPlayer).
Method №5: Another client to access iTunesU for devices based on Linux and Android - is tunesviewer. It gives you the ability to search, view and save to your computer, video and audio lectures, as well as e-books, watching online lectures and subscribe to podcasts from the corresponding store Categories iTunes.
Method №6: This method of subscription and consumption of podcasts from iTunes is getting links to RSS-feed you're interested in a podcast. The thing is that Apple restricts you from direct access to the direct link to the podcast. You can work around this limitation by using a special solution called itunesFeedExtractor. However, to complete the work necessary to establish itunesFeedExtractor support PHP 4 or 5, and curl. This a PHP-script "scratched" in iTunes direct link to the podcast and give it explicitly. In the console job of this script would look like this:
php ./itunesFeedExtractor.php
http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast? id = 338395203
that as a result it will give the address of the podcast:
The solution is not the easiest in terms of working with him, but - if you do not have the version of the iTunes, - regardless of which operating system you have, you can get access to podcasts, which are "solely" on iTunes Music Store. To subscribe to get a reference to tape podcasts you can use any ponravishiysya your music player, or a podcast terminal.
№7 method: And the last way to listen podcasts from iTunes in Ubuntu is to use feedfliperWith which you can enter data on the tape podcast from iTunes, and in return get a link to an ordinary RSS-feed of the podcast. This link you can just add the same playlist Rhythmbox and safely enjoy listening to your favorite podcasts.
For example, if the link to the podcast in iTunes (including - in the web version) looks like this:
itms: //itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast? id = 295881346 & uo = 4
then using feedflipper you get a link like:
http://picklemonkey.net/flipper/convert.php?&feed=http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast? id = 295881346 & sender = Advent Conspiracy
you can add this link to the playlist and listen through any you liked the player.