Whether or not to add the ruler of Facebook friends
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
"Adding his head in Facebook-friend or not?" - this question sooner or later raised by many especially scrupulous with regard to the personal space of the staff. It seems like you coffee in the morning and drink together, and go to dinner, give each other gifts for the holidays, exchanging pleasantries and even sometimes ask advice on personal matters, but friends in the social network is still not hurry.
Despite the fact that social networks offer more and more professional opportunities, people still continue to use them for the exchange of personal information and the development of friendly and family relations. And not always understanding with the supervisor or colleagues should symbolize the beginning of a strong friendship between you. Agree, sometimes you do not want to know about the head of an extreme party at the weekend, or comments below your family photo.
Scientists from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) conducted study eloquently titled "Oh my God, my boss added me as a friend» (OMG My Boss Just Friended Me). The study showed that the desire to make friends with the head of his subordinates in the social network is the latter contradictory feeling, as if into his friends are asking parents who now will control every "social step" of his child. In the same time
study agency Russell Herder showed that about 30% of young workers aged 18 to 34 years feel comfortable knowing that the list of their friends on the social network and is listed as a leader.What stops or, on the contrary, causes "white collar" to attempts friended their superiors?
4 reasons to become friends with your manager in the social network
1. What kind of fruit my head. In the social network you can find information about hobbies leader, his family, favorite restaurants, about how he likes to relax. So you will make a kind of portrait of the personality of his superior. Such information will allow you to find common interests and then interact with the guidance would be much easier.
2. His weaknesses. One may be friends with the head and considered it equal, but that does not make you less dependent on its decisions. Everyone understands that the head - office is "arbiter". Therefore, to be with him on the short leg everyone wants, and for this purpose from time to time have to play the role of a sneak.
Friendship in social networks - untilled field in this matter. Like you can and put under the picture boss, and a flattering comment topstitch, and even share the his clever quote. And having come to the office the next day, the first thing to praise his new origami or daughters progress in the music school. These are the weaknesses of your boss: no matter how severe it may be, as soon as you talk about the family zavedet or cycling, head shine kind smile.
3. Career advancement. Let's be honest, a good relationship with the head still would not want to, and the boss's pets are more likely to climb higher up the career ladder. Social networks can help you establish the most positive communication with the authorities and to be the first in line for the next promotion.
4. Show what you are professional and just "nice guy." Place in his page about career success, new projects and achievements, the courses, volunteer activities. In a word, let overstayers your friends work colleagues and the head together learn with them what you are fully developed personality and irreplaceable employee. Get your "+1" for career advancement.
Help! My supervisor sent me a request to add to friends. What to do?
And yet, no matter how many benefits brought "social friendship" with the head, it is on the Internet found the mass of indignation on this subject. According to all the same Exploration Russell Herder, more than 70% of respondents would not like to be friends with his superiors in the social network. Moreover, many are experiencing a certain depression in response to a request-friendship.
Why is that? Everyone has his explanation. But most of the "white collar" agree on one thing: our workplace behavior can be different from the behavior on a home or a friendly atmosphere. Not much I would like to see the photos found in the head of the social network that is always neat and polite accountant Bob hangs in the evening in the Youth Theater, playing the fool drunk in public in fairy costume.
7 reasons not to add to the head friends
1. Your image can be changed in his eyes, not for the better. It would seem, what's the difference? Let him think what he wants. But let us remember about the social status and dependence on the chief decisions. Yes, your boss is not always objective, it can be mistaken, but his opinion all the same worries you. That's why you do not recognize him, pretended that the patient not to go denok or two to work. So it is with social networks. From the photographs published here, statuses, links, subscriptions it is very easy to determine your true interests, which may not please the boss. Who knows, maybe your head - an ardent hater of Self, and the exact number of such "samoportretov" in your chronicle not even counted ?!
2. He will be able to check whether you hang out in social networks during work. Yes, social networks - even those traitors. All these green circles under the avatars that show your online presence can play a cruel joke. Then prove that you have worked all this time, and the social network just "hanging background." And if you had to put a few likes or distracted to publish video, it will be even harder to get out.
3. He will put the Huskies and comment on your publications. Huskies can still be experienced. But responses can be different from the pleasant to the edifying praise and obviously inappropriate comments. For example, you went out of town for the weekend, sharing a radiant picture with a bottle of beer, and your head said something like: "Oleg, you're kind of like do not tolerate alcohol?" or "Girls, do not forget that tomorrow work. " Other for such a bummer you would jokingly tell him to go away, but with the head has to stand on ceremony.
4. You will be consolidated parent. This feeling can occur if the head is much older than you, it is safely possible to enroll in the category of "Old School", he lives more still under Soviet rules, and in social networks appeared - all unclear. These are the leaders with a capital "P", which in all are trying to impose their expert opinion, including in your chronicle.
5. We talk about the good things. If you've had a chance to criticize the failure of a new project or make an ironic joke about the last team building but now, when a keen manager can optionally monitor your social steps should be working with criticism wait.
6. He will learn that what he is not supposed to know. For example, you went to the next meeting, rested with friends, congratulated his niece, supported by a political leader or first sang at karaoke - the list is endless. About something from this list as you should be happy to tell the head, and some of the nuances of his personal life did not want to discuss with him would.
7. From friends not otpisheshsya. Even if you are very careful to act in the social networks, you can not control in the matter of his friends. Tomorrow will mark the best friend you have in the photo galleries "And we, as always, drunk," and awkward situation can not be avoided.
The following video gives a clear idea about the attitude of some employees to the needs of the authorities to make friends in the social network. Videos in English, but the emotions of the protagonist very eloquent.
What do you do when a request to add to friends from your head has already been sent?
How to refuse such a tempting offer
1. Have the courage and trust in the adequacy of the head. You can always refuse - would resolve. The simplest option for the most daring - directly admit to your boss that you do not rush to add them as a friend, because they do not want to mix with the personal workspace. Adequate head will not be offended. Maybe he even will appreciate this bold move on your part.
2. Link to the accounts in the professional networks. At least the same LinkedIn - network, which initially involves the development of business contacts.
3. Ignore the request. Yes, it's a bit childish and stupid, but this omission may well work. The most desirable scenario, when the manager will understand your silence and stop worrying about it. Also, after a while, he can forget all that you sent such a request. If the chief does not reach up and he continues to wonder why you ignore it, you can always say that you very rarely come in the social network, forgot the password to his page or in general prefer to communicate live.
4. Remove the boss on your friends list after adding. If the hand trembled and friends with your new addition, and put up with it any way you want, then after some time you can remove the head of the list of their friends. Fortunately, in the most popular social networks "forgotten friend" does not receive notification about it.
But here you should know that it is a risky decision. Because now the head is in your list of subscribers and it is likely that sooner or later he finds out about this. At least for the reason that it will cease to come your updates, designed exclusively for friends.
5. Use privacy settings. And this is really the most optimal output when the head of your friends and you do not want to share with him some status or pictures. Facebook, "VKontakte" allows to create a list of people who will not see your publication.
But always remember that social network in any case, does not guarantee you 100% conservation of personal data. But some information can be revealed in a very inopportune moment. And with all of these privacy settings a lot of trouble. At any time, you can forget them adjust. Perhaps the leader in the list of friends - it's not so bad.
In his defense it should be noted that not only ordinary employees, but managers do not always want their subordinates to send them such requests. during the surveyConducted by consulting firm Robert Half, supervisors and managers are asked to answer the question is how comfortable they would feel if one of the staff asked them to make friends at social network. It is interesting that 57% of respondents answered that they would have such a proposal is not to their liking. And only 37% of managers have nothing against such requests.
And what do you personally think about this? Should I worry about with respect to friendship with the head, or still do not particularly loaded on this?