Why listen to music in the VK - a waste of time
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Today, "VKontakte" - the most popular music resource in Russia. Number of music in it exceeds even the number of downloaded pirated movies. Many groups even manage to unwind exclusively through this social network. Yet listen to music in the VK - a waste of time and categorical contempt as a performer and to his own ears.
Resource recently lifted restrictions on downloading files. Previously, you could only download MP3 volume of no more than 10 MB. Now ceiling rose, you can load an 200MB hard track, but also only in the MP3 format. These constraints - the main scourge of the music posted on the servers of the most popular social network in the CIS.
At the dawn of digital music could often be found MP3-files to a bitrate of 192, 128 or even 96 kbit / s. For more compression was invented VBR - Variable Bit Rate. The program encoder in the selection of this algorithm automatically adjusts the bitrate of the file. Richer composition place it leaves at a maximum as indicated in less saturated (or simply quieter) - reduces the quality of the composition. Such files just occupy no more than 10 MB of hard disk space.
If you try, then this restriction will be fit and hours of dj set (which is quite often). However, the result is a significant reduction not only the file size, but also quality. Up until that silence can be more quiet areas of music - the sound will be health deteriorated compared with the original.
More correct "fenshuynym" format is MP3 with constant bit rate - CBR. At least, this embodiment introduces basic audio coding distortion in the inaudible frequency range 16 Hz to 20 kHz, and after, sparing the fundamental frequencies.
Even though it is very important codec used. If we turn to specialized communities, you can see that the minimum distortion can be obtained only if you use the Lame codec entirely certain versions, the sound decoding in CBR with a bitrate of 320 kbit / s.
A full-fledged music album in MP3 correctly decoded with the maximum quality takes about 100-200 MB. Four minute song - about 12-20 MB.
If the properties file listed 320 kbit / s, it does not mean its quality.
Today it is actively spreading "transkod" - re-encoding of the low bit rate to a higher performance to indicate excessive. In addition to recognition as an audio player 320 or 256 kbit / s, no improvement this operation does not work (by the way, most of the file size remains the same).
Besides the low bit rate may be too low, and other characteristics. Unfortunately, in most cases, we can not say anything about file properties without additional tools or browser add-ins (which it will be possible to tell apart).
Listening to music in the VK very comfortable. But to find it almost impossible to high-quality recording.
Restrictions when downloading files on the server "VKontakte" have led to a tremendous amount of low-quality tracks exactly in VBR or CBR with a low bit rate. A low listening culture only increases the number of low-quality audio recordings.
Too many users deliberately pumped low-quality tracks for faster download. Therefore, listening to music in a favorite Russian social network as possible. But it is not necessary.
You never know what you will hear. But the recording quality and the outcome depends on the file you are listening to all the music perception.
By the way, do not forget that music piracy and VK except PR, significantly hits the wallet artist.
VK Music in copyright infringement, and therefore punishable by administrative and unsuccessful arrangement of stars will lead to a fine.
So, despite all the convenience of listening to music at vk.com - bad idea.