Poor design in the history of Apple
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
While Apple has a reputation of a leading company in the design of products, at the time the Cupertino still was responsible for at least one design-crime, namely the interface of the DVD player for Mac OS 9 in 1999 year.
Do not believe me? See for yourself:
It looks like a cross between WinAmp 1997 and silver bottle of nail polish, concocted an inexperienced designer. The design is so bad that people could not even figure out how to remove the player from the screen. This could not possibly be done by Steve Jobs, right?
And here and there. This silver horror was released directly under the supervision of Steve Jobs. After leaving in 1999, he was not only the default application for the DVD player in OS 9. He appeared simultaneously with QuickTime 4.0 and helped introduce many hated "brushed metal" in the Mac operating system. Apple even wrote a guide to the interface for the appropriate use of "brushed metal" third-party developers. According to the company, this style was to be used only for "programs that mimic the work or other interface devices." In other words, it was the application in skeuomorph style.
Of course, in 2003, even Apple violated it by releasing OS X 10.3 Jaguar, where the "brushed metal" has spread literally every detail of the operating system. Although the company said that the style should be used only in skevomorfichnyh applications soon it was everywhere - from the Finder to the iTunes.
This is the worst thing that was in the DVD player on OS 9. And this is not some kind of a one-time mistake that Steve Jobs inadvertently vain. It is a horror that we know, Jobs saw. This means that he saw it and did nothing, or even worse - he thought it was so awesome that he decided to remake the entire Mac operating system in appropriate style!