Invitations to group chats WhatsApp is now possible to distribute in the form of links
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Previously, WhatsApp users can invite in a group chat just people from your contact list. Moreover, to distribute invitations could only creator of the chat. In some cases, this restriction has added a lot of inconvenience, which is now gone. Last update makes it possible to call in a chat anyone, just by sharing a link with him. And it can be like a normal link and QR-code label or NFS.
The new feature will be useful, for example, the organization of events such as a wedding or corporate event. In such cases, the organizer can not contact all participants in the upcoming event. And if earlier it could be a problem, but now everything is easy. To assemble the right people in a group chat, will be sufficient to call only one, that he passed through the chain inviting others, or simply post a link to, say, Facebook page or other social network. However, it should be careful, because on the public link to wander into chat can absolutely stranger.
Try out a new piece WhatsApp you can now. To do this, go
link and sign up for the beta test, and then download the update for your messenger.Price: Free
Price: Free