10 myths about "VKontakte" and their exposure
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
1. Publication on the page protect data against copying
If you've seen on the pages of friends a message that begins with the words "In response to the new policy of" VKontakte "I hereby declare ...", then do not rush to place at a similar publication.
Saving such a text does not make any sense, and all necessary information can be found in protection rules information about site users, and to rules of use "In contact with".
2. There is a way to get to the "Opinions"
Many people remember the tab "Opinions" in the left side of the page. "VKontakte" announced the removal of this feature in 2012, but the resourceful people used to transition the direct link to view your "opinion". Unfortunately, it is not supported.
3. Access to the "VKontakte" closed in Ukraine
May 16 President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko issued a decree on new sanctions against Russia, including the Ukrainian people are restricting access to the social network "VKontakte". Internet providers have blocked access to the site to customers, but you can not go to a social network on the territory of Ukraine - another myth, which is easily debunked most diligent users.
Lock "VKontakte" not touched the advanced users, but became the subject of hundreds of funny picturesIronically created and distributed by the Ukrainian users.
4. "Documents" - useless function
Many have corresponded with the exchange of investments in messengers from the store "VKontakte" except for storage fun gifok. Not everyone knows that the "Documents" - a true cloud service with unlimited storage capacity. Just mark the uploaded files as personal, private, and access to them will be opened on any computer on which you are authorized. The section is convenient to store copies of documents that you should always have on hand, such as a scan of the insurance policy or the first page of the passport.
If you remove the mark "personal documents", the file will appear in the search results. Give the document a unique tag that you or your friends can easily find it. The only significant disadvantage in comparison with third-party cloud services - the inability to upload a file that is larger than 200 MB.
5. Deleted messages can be restored
Unfortunately, "VKontakte" has no baskets for deleted messages. If you erased the conversation, then restore the data will fail. The only way to recover the lost messages - to ask the interlocutor to send them to you, he, they could be preserved.
6. Download music from the "VKontakte" can not be
Contrary to popular belief, to cache songs for listening on iOS-device can still be offline. For music lovers, which keep the precious music database in the audio, "VKontakte" offers strimingovy service Boom.
Price: Free
Price: Free
Company policy against illegal downloading of music is unwavering: content databases periodically cleans up at the request of holders, and download songs to your computer, without having to tricksImpossible.
7. Guests can see the page
"How to watch who came to see me on the page" - a request that users enter in search engines, it seems, since the opening of "VKontakte". Social network administration in this regard adamant: function view page visitors and there never was.
Numerous applications "VKontakte", designed to show guests are not able to really keep track of visitors to the page. Program traps can identify the user is present only if it Like, leave a comment or clicks on a link disguised.
8. Administration of this site will return the old design
Shouts of "Durov, give the wall!" Unlikely to lead to some action by the site's administration. And the reason lies not only in the fact that Pavel Durov is not working "VKontakte", but also in the fundamental rejection of the company's transition to a weathered design elements.
After the wall came to replace more convenient system commented entries Design "VKontakte" has gone through dozens of changes - minor and not very much. Social network administration is unlikely to give up new solutions to old, but certain sites are constantly improving.
9. For votes "VKontakte" necessarily pay
The vast majority of users of social networks refuse service "VKontakte", requiring a vote of the payment. The reason is simple: people are not willing to spend money on virtual currency, the right to pay the same virtual goods. Not all users "VKontakte" know that voices can be obtained free of charge by performing tasks advertisers.
You must go to settings, then select the tab "Payments and transfers". Clicking "Add sheet" will open select the payment source window. Selecting "Special Offers" will lead to a list of tasks from advertisers. By clicking on the job will appear more detailed description. Perform the necessary tasks - and your voices.
10. Long links uncomfortable to insert into the publication
Supplement publications long links can upset aesthetes users. Many are trying to integrate a URL in the message text or refuse placement of links at all. In addition to the page with a suspicious address users click less willingly.
On the basis of "VKontakte", a special service Reference reduction. Copy the long link, and it is converted into an address of the form https://vk.cc/ six characters after the slash. You can post a short link to their publications, as well as track the number of clicks on it by going to the page service.