TextExpander saves you time when typing
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
TextExpander - this is one of my favorite programs for the Mac. Saves time when typing frequently used phrases - names, company names, salutations and signatures to e-mails and etc. etc. The principle of operation is simple - you enter the full spelling of a word or phrase, as well as give abridged option. Now, when you type anywhere this shorter, TextExpander automatically replaces it with the full.
TextExpander opportunities are not limited to the introduction of a simple text - can be inserted and already formatted text and even pictures. You can determine the position of the cursor after insertion, indicate the date and time, and others. The program itself weighs very little, almost no memory consumes. In general beauty.
TextExpander range of applications can be very broad. For example, I use the program to quickly enter HTML-tags. One of the ways to use: dialing «. H2» (without the quotes), I get the design. And the cursor is already between the tags. Another interesting example of the insert citations. I copy to the clipboard buffer phrase from the keyboard «bq.» (Again without the quotes) and get:
the phrase is here. Many use TextExpander to automatically correct your most common mistakes and misprints.
And now fly in the ointment. TextExpander fee-based program, and after the 30-day trial period for its use have to pay. I myself use a very old version, which is called TextPander. Then she was free. In TextPander unlike TextExpander also a size smaller. So if you are not ready to pay, here is the link to the old version: http://www.box.net/shared/7euet5rtad. I want to emphasize that this is not warez, not crack, not kryaknutaya, etc., but simply the old version of the program, when it was still free.