Ipple Play - Bring all positive!
Vindovs Technologies / / December 19, 2019
I came across a small, free player, who endeared himself to the first click.
Firstly, it is very small in size and very undemanding in terms of system requirements.
Secondly, a very original design of the all-in-one-box convinces with its positive ergonomics. Although the project is in the beta1 stage, that there is - a very high quality, convenient and very beautiful. It is very interesting to realize the main window, plus there is a kind of guide for the use, which replaces the standard help
(Very positive decision for people, because it is better to see once, than hundred times to read).
Third, a portable player. I just installed it on a flash drive and carry with me. Unpretentious tray icon with a rich management functionality, and in it - all you need to inexperienced user.
Fourth, the quality of reproduction. Ipple Play works on the basis of Bass audio libraryThat provides excellent sound. At least, I have not found a sound defects for the past week of use. EQ is very sensitive and very neresursoemky.
After becoming acquainted with the program, I am closely watching the development of the domestic programmers, the more that official website there is support forumIn which you can discuss with the developers of their creation. In general, the player leaves a feeling of lightness and general positivity that is rarely after meeting with the programs in the beta stage.