PcAutoWaker includes computers as soon as you get closer to the office (Android)
Android Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Imagine that you have just come to your home or office, and the computers on your home or work network before you came yourself included, and are waiting for you favorite ready to work. :)
To do this, you need only Android PcAutoWaker application and understanding of how it all set up.
The idea is that the phone with the Android operating system, getting to wi-fi network pings wi-fi card and turn off the computer initiates their inclusion. To do this in the BIOS you need to activate wireless network cards Wake-on-LAN, Which resolves the issue of inclusion.
In most settings, you need to register PcAutoWaker SSID (name of your access point), and the network address of each MAC-Computer literacy to be awakened. For Windows users, go to Start → Run and enter ipconfig / all and record the 12-digit address. Mac users will find the MAC-address of the network card in the network settings of the Advanced... button
Carry data needed in the application settings:
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