A detailed guide to Twitter unexplored opportunities
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
1. Length 140 Tweets limited Unicode characters. This means that the symbol of the extra plane, for example Emoji, Counts as one.
2. Spaces before and after the tweet tweet automatically deleted.
3. In the tweet, you can transfer the text to a new line, with unlimited number of transfers.
4. Several gaps in the middle of the tweets are saved, but can not be left empty for more than two lines - the number will automatically be reduced to two.
5. Since Twitter can be used via SMS, Web-based interface supports some short commands. In particular, if you put in the beginning of the tweet d or dmAnd the second word - the user name, then the remainder of the tweets sent to him in private messages.
6. The accounts managed by multiple people (accounts support services or politicians, for example), sometimes marked * tweets mark and the initials of the author of the tweet. For Twitter it has no special meaning.
7. You can not use more characters in the name of the plane or bio in Twitter: he has them to quietly remove. But you can use
Miscellaneous Symbols or Dingbats (Copy of the table and insert the row with the name), and some of them will even be colored to look at Twitter web interface. The result can be different on different phones and different clients.Answers and references
1. The tweet can mention other users by placing a sign @username anywhere in the message. This notice all mentioned in the tweet.
2. Tweet that begins with a reference (the first word comes @username), Does not seem in your profile on the web interface Twitter, but will appear on the page with answers to the tweet. He also appears in profile in the Android and iOS apps, as they are not separated from the other answers tweets.
3. Tweet that begins with a reference, and does not appear in the tapes followers, except those Fallaway you, and the man who first pointed out the tweet. That is, if you mentioned the first @ username1, and then @ username2, The tweet will appear in the streams of those you and Fallaway @ username1.
4. If the front of the icon @ will be even some characters, the previous two rules do not work, and your tweet will appear to all followers. So that recourse to @ username1 and @ username2 it will be visible to all and will be displayed in your profile on the web interface.
5. You can reply to any tweets from a single thread, they all appear in it. There is a single parent and tweet any number of answers.
6. If the answer you remove the name of the author tweets that you answer, it will be just a tweet, but not the answer, he will not get into the trade.
Exception - when you answer to yourself to pursue the idea of the previous tweet. You can remove your name despite the fact that many customers will automatically substitute it.
Be sure to do so, when you write several related tweets. So followers will be convenient to track your story, do not need to look past tweets or go to your profile. And if you are in answering himself leave his name in the tweet, then only the first tweet will appear in your profile, and others - no, because you start with a reference.
7. Many third-party clients do not support the answer myself without a name to the tweet, and noted that this is a feature in the API-documentation. Only official Twitter-clients allow you mention someone in response to the thread properly, third-party customers fun bind anything with anything. Previously, the web interface also allows it, so surely API allows up to now. If you are not using the official client, try and see what happens.
8. The previous rule also applies when you give someone a long answer. Answer and then answer yourself by removing the name of the tweets. That will have a trade of the three posts.
9. Twitter shows answers in a few random, throwing out "important" to the top. If you wrote an answer, for example, of three tweets in each subsequent answer yourself on the previous one, so they are definitely going in the right order.
10. When you reply to a tweet in response to automatically fit the names of all who are mentioned in it. If you answer the retweet automatically prescribe the author's name and the person who retvitnul. Sometimes polite will remove some names if you want to reply to the author. There are cases when the discussion involves only two people at the same time pulling it in all who got in the trade at the beginning.
11. The official Twitter client-long threads in the ribbon fold, leaving visible only the first tweet and the last two. If you are prepared to Twitter a long speech, it is a good idea to put the main message in one of these three tweets that your followers will see. Here is another reason why the packaging politely long thought into trade: it will save followers from your flood in their belt.
12. Sometimes you can see a few branches of the same conversation on Twitter. For example, if A wrote several tweets, B and C, answer them, and you Fallaway all three, you'll see individual responses in individual responses and C. Twitter is not very good at handling such sorting, so that sometimes in your stream confusion arises from the fact that the root tweet appears several times.
13. Since the Twitter-stream of customers view as a whole, you can freshen old tweet, respond to it. The answer - a new tweet, it will appear in the film have followers, but the client will also include in the trade and the first tweet as a context, regardless of his age.
14. If you open the answers to tweet, they can not be placed in chronological order. At the top are the "best" answer. Which ones are the best - defines Twitter itself, but I think it works quite well, because if you answer yourself, your answer will almost certainly be the first in the thread.
15. If the answer you mentioned A, and he changed his nickname to B, then tweet thread will remain in spite of the fact that it is no longer referred to the author of the parent tweet. The answer will appear in your profile, as it is now referred to a nonexistent user. Those who do not Fallaway will be easy to find your renamed account, look for the answer, designed for the old name.
16. Trades will not be interrupted, even if some of the tweets is hidden due to the fact that the participant is blocked or you have had a closed account. Tweets of those users will not be visible to you, but you will find answers to them.
17. If you delete a tweet from the middle of the thread (or author of the tweet has been deleted account), then at this point the trade will be interrupted. Answers to the remote tweet will not be seen in the disclosure of the parent tweet, tweet and the parent will not be visible when you look at these answers.
18. You can quote a tweet - it will appear in your tweet as a small rectangle. So you do not create a response to the quoted tweet and your tweet will not be part of the thread. If you want to respond, to get into the trade and quote, do not retweet a tweet or quote. Need to respond to the tweet manually to include a link to it in your tweet and make sure that you mention the author.
19. Author Tweets will receive a notification that you have quoted it. However, in contrast to retweet, it will not receive notification of husky and retweets quote if you are alone does not mention them. If you do not want the author to know that you have quoted it, take a screenshot of his tweets (so it will stay in your profile, even if the author will remove the tweet), or use for sokraschalku URL (it will not allow the author to remove your quote, blocking you).
20. Tweet with a quote just include a link to the author's tweet. Even if the author's tweet is removed, it will remain in your gray card, which will be written that tweet is no longer available.
21. Tweets appear in many tapes at the same time attract many similar responses in a short time. Polite will test existing responses to a popular tweet by tweet or a famous person before inserting my two cents worth.
22. Usually quite rude stuck in a conversation between two people, especially if they seem to know each other better than you know them and they you. And the more it's rude when your opinion in sharp contrast to their statements. However, there is no hard and fast rules. There are cases where this behavior may be more or less appropriate. But sometimes the situation is the same as if you were on the street overheard two passers-by and decided to share with them your thoughts.
23. When you quote someone or mention of the critical commentary, remember that draws attention to the person of his followers. By the author of the tweet are coming up haters, trolls, and simply those who have left always have an opinion on any case. Think about whether you want to expose that person to such tests.
1. Hashtags - words marked with # in front of them.
2. What kind of characters can stand after the icon - a controversial issue. Once the rules have changed for sure.
3. The only real use hashtag - go to the tweets of similar subjects by clicking.
4. Hashtags appearing in the widget "Hot topics", but there are also ordinary words, no icon #.
5. It makes no sense to mark all of the words in the tweet hashtag. No one is looking for in Twitter something on the tag # fun. And if you saturate the hashtag tweets, you will be retarded for the marketer.
6. Twitter also supports keshtegi in which instead put $ #. Basically this icon are traders.
1. Tweets can contain one embedded attachments.
2. You can insert a tweet four images, one video or poll. Combine them can not tweet. Official accounts of a handful of brands available additional units to be built.
3. Include in a tweet a picture or video, you will lose 24 characters, as direct links to pictures and videos get to the end of the tweet. This is done for the customer, which shows only the text, and for those users who read Twitter using SMS: they do not see the attachments, but can open an image in the browser.
4. When the survey in a tweet link is not added, but, curiously, it still takes 24 characters. Perhaps it is the client's bug, but it happens, and in the web version, and on Android, and iOS.
5. Third-party clients can not support the insertion of media. In particular, Member TweetDeck embarrassed by the fact that very often tweets disappear from the polls. There remains only the text of the tweet and no hint of the fact that there was a survey. Some third-party clients are not supported by polls.
6. If you add a non-obvious attachment, Twitter starts checking links from the end of the tweet. Link leading to tweet displayed quote, a link to a Web site that supports Twitter cards, the card will be displayed (as a quote). Attachment can be only one, so as soon as Twitter will find that can be used, the search stops.
7. You can embed the published media file is someone in your tweet by inserting at the end of a direct link to a file that ends with something like: Ccic9mZWAAE06rP.jpg. This is not a quote, and the author does not know about it.
8. Cards on Twitter may be associated with your account. The Twitter for Android (not in web version!) Response to the tweet with the card includes the nickname of the author of the quoted tweet. For example, if the answer to tweet a link which leads on YouTube, then tweet will automatically be entered @YouTube. It is very strange, given that YouTube has a video to an indirect relationship.
9. Downloaded media may be marked as sensitive (sensitive content), which usually means "pornographic". The user will see a warning, unless the account settings it does not have that you can not show similar warnings. Labeled Media also does not appear in the sidebar profile for those who have warnings included.
10. API supports the labeling of individual tweets with content 18+ but official clients do not - You can set the settings in your account, and marked in such a way will be all the media you loaded. Other users can also mark your content as sensitive. Twitter is able to automatically detect such content, but sometimes fall under the filters, for example, pictures of bald cats.
11. If in your own tweets embedded content 18+, you will see a warning message when attempting to watch it, even if the warnings are disabled in your settings. So you will understand what your tweets are labeled, though this is confusing.
Blacklist and blacklist
1. Members of the black list can not view your profile. Of course, they can use another account or log out. And probably some Twitter-clients do not support this feature.
2. User from the blacklist can not laykat and retweet your tweets.
3. Members of the black list can not Fallaway you. If you've blocked someone who has already read you, it will be automatically unsubscribed. You also can not Fallaway blocked users.
4. Tweets blocked user will not appear in your stream or in the threads that you see. You will not find his tweets in search results. But if someone who you read, cite a tweet blocked user, you will see it.
5. Locked users can see your tweets that someone retvitnul.
6. Locked user can refer you or respond to you, but you will not know about it unless someone does not cite it without retvitnet or layknet the tweet. And if someone decides to respond to a tweet blocked user, your name will automatically appear in the answer and you will be notified. Other users will see the full thread.
7. Locked user can insert a link to your tweet, but it will be displayed in his profile of a gray ram "Tweet unavailable". Tweet is not shown, but the link to the tweet is still visible, therefore, users can see your tweets by clicking the link above.
8. Ignoring manifested in different ways. If you zamyutite user whose Fallaway, his tweets will not appear in your feed, but you will be notified when it responds to you or mention you and so on. This can be useful when you want more muted buzz on social networks. If you zamyutite someone who does not Fallaway, the notification will not be getting. In this and in another case, you will see the tweets of the man in the trade and the search results.
9. If you Fallaway someone who has too much retweets, you can mute only the retweets. This is done in the person's profile menu.
10. If you feel that you're being blocked, you can learn about it by going to the user profile - from above the message. But it is impossible to know, you zamyutil user or simply ignores.
11. You can someone both block and zamyutit, but there is no sense in it. If you enable a user, he will remain in ignore.
12. API is expunged tweets from blocked and zamyuchennyh users on the server side for streaming requests (such as tape), but leave them for other requests (such as viewing one Tweets). So maybe some Twitter-clients disregard the rules and you can sometimes see the tweet blocked user thread.
13. Not tvitte screenshots "User blocking you." It's an old game, and you can already stop to do so.
1. Almost all the search possibilities are presented in Twitter Advanced Search page. All of them are tied to the use of a prefix to the search query from these users from the specified date.
2. There are no filters defined herein, which are set out in the API-documentation. They look like this: filter: safe, filter: media, filter: images, filter: links. It is likely that there is some undocumented features.
3. Search applies to neukorochennym links, so you can find links to the site, simply by typing its URL in the search off the record http://, since it does not appear in the tweets.
4. Side effect: you can find quotes tweets particular user by typing in the search bar twitter.com/username/statusBecause all the tweets start addresses so. Also in the fall issue of pictures and videos that are posted to this user. This can be corrected by adding a filter -from: username.
5. If we look for to: username, you will only find tweets that start with @usernameThe remaining references will not be included in the issue. If we look at the request @username, The issue will mention, and tweets from that user. To find the only mention, enter in the search bar @username -from: username. It can be combined with a trick to search for citations.
6. It is believed that the filter from: applies only to nick, that was the user at the time of writing the tweet, but experience proves the opposite. Perhaps, the results vary depending on whether someone took an old nickname.
7. Some clients such as TweetDeck, live support channel search results next to the tape and notices. Perhaps it is necessary for those who are important, said of them, even if they personally do not mention in tweets.
8. If you use search tweets by name or title of your project without reference to you, be careful: you can stumble upon a very unflattering. It is better not to engage in discussions with those who initially did not like your job. You can not convince them, but to spoil the impression of themselves can.
closed accounts
1. You can make your account private, so can only read your followers that you have approved access. The rest of your profile will tell you that your account is closed.
2. Public remain: your avatar, banner, name, bio (including location, website, etc.), number of tweets, followers, those whom you read, likes and lists. Hidden: tweets, media files, your followers and those you Fallaway contents lists.
3. Twitter for iOS hides bio, number of followers, and those who read you, sometimes very uncomfortable. How did people will understand that you are very cool and have to ask you to subscribers?
4. When you close your account, existing followers remain. Others will be forced to send an inquiry if you want to read. You can accept or reject it. If you want someone to force myself to unsubscribe - lock and then unlock that user. Or simply lock.
5. Subscription requests is easy to miss: the interface is not too obviously shown when you are a new user knocks.
6. The user does not receive a notification that you are allowed to access or not. If you are approved, it will begin to see your tweets, if you reject the request - again by going to your profile, it will not see the inscription "Pending."
7. If you open an account, all requests are automatically approved.
8. The only way to see the pending approval requests (which you sent, but which has not yet been approved or rejected) - via the API, or customers using the API. Official clients do not show anywhere.
9. No one can retweet a closed account, even followers.
10. The citation does not work for closed accounts. It will be shown that the tweet is not available, even if the account the author quoted himself. Click the link Tweets works.
11. From closed accounts are not sent notices to those who do not Fallaway them. With a closed account can laykat, retweet, Fallaway, as usual, and the corresponding numbers in the figures will grow, but the notification will be sent only to readers.
12. If a user with a closed account Like several of your tweets or retweets, and then you zafollovili it, the notification will not come in retrospect.
13. Closed account will not be among those who layknul and retvitnul tweet. It will be seen only from approved readers.
14. Despite the fact that the followers and read the user closed-hidden account, you can see it in the list of those who read it, or those he reads. There is no way to automatically compare these data to calculate all the followers and read, but the very existence of the closed account - it's no secret. In particular, if you zafollovite someone who monitors the number of subscribers, it can simply look at the list and look for you.
15. Anyone can refer a user with a closed account, regardless of whether he Fallaway it or not, and terminating the accounts displayed notification.
16. A user with a closed account can send private messages to anyone and can host private messages open to all.
17. the user replies with a closed account are not protected. If he is involved in the discussion, his own tweets will be hidden from those who do not read, but the public answers will be visible in the thread. Also, anyone can search for a user mentions a closed account to find a conversation in which he participated, and to understand what was said in his tweets, based on the context.
API, third-party customers, etc.
1. The web version of hotkeys work and their list can be viewed by clicking on the question mark on the Russian keyboard layout.
2. Official API does not support some features of Twitter, including interviews, advertising and private messages to multiple users. Customers who use this the API, and do not support these features.
3. Even TweetDeck often lags behind Twitter in support of some functions. Because of this, for example, to ignore TweetDeck differs from ignore a Twitter.
4. The tweets indicated by a client they were sent. Official Twitter-customers more than it does not show, but in the API this capability is still available, so some third-party clients are using it.
5. By default, Twitter allows you to find your account's mailing address or telephone number. You can optionally disable this feature.
6. On Twitter, there is a feature that allows you to build several public tweets (even from other people) into one group and show someone. Official clients are not able to collect the tweets, it can only be done through the API or TweetDeck. Collections not displayed anywhere and are available for a direct link. The order of the list of tweets you can not control, they are arranged in chronological order.
7. Lists do not support most of the features of the tape in the first place the tweets of one thread do not appear together. However, you can create a closed list, add the people and read without their knowledge.
8. Promoted Tweets can be, that is, it will turn to advertising which, as a rule, is of no interest to anyone other than the advertiser. Promoted Tweets have curious properties: they are no one can see your profile and search results. Possible to target Promoted Tweets.
9. And there are "tick authenticity" more on Twitter, which are issued to verified users.
Owning real accounts available additional features: filters on the page "alert" ( "All", "References", "true"), the choice between the two Tape options ( "No answer" and "All") Privacy Notice (Twitter will tell you if your tweet will be removed from the favorites) and analytics, in which more beauty than good.