Spotify has postponed the launch in Russia by year's end
News Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Spotify music service was supposed to be in Russia this summer, but now the company suffered start at the end of 2019. According to people familiar with the plans of developers, the platform will be available to Russians in November-December.
Everything points to the fact that the company is serious to come to the Russian market. She is actively negotiating with the owners in the country, looking for employees of marketing, as well as an office for them. Head of Spotify in Russia still has to be a former sales director of the Russian division of Facebook and the current senior manager Media Instinct Group Ilya Alekseev.
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Sources believe that the reason for the delay lies in the Spotify problems with the record label Warner Music. The company had serious differences about the licensing conditions when streaming service entered the Indian market. A run in Russia without one of the biggest labels Spotify pointless - Warner Music belongs to too much music.
In July 2019 the web appeared Information about Spotify subscription costs in Russia. According to her, the premium for a month will cost 150 rubles. The company did not comment on this information.
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- 10 reasons why Spotify better than other music services
- How to use Spotify, Netflix and other services unavailable in Russia
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