How do I know if the picture otfotoshoplena
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If you think that a photo in front of you exposed to Installation, Try The given ways - from simple to complex.
Note that there is no universal method to distinguish a montage of this image. Experienced fotoshoper can bypass all the way and make a fake are incredibly realistic. In addition, you often come across fotozhaby eyes after they repeatedly retained and cut, and to recognize the deception on such a picture is much more complicated.
Examine the photo
Pay attention to the following points.
1. unrealistic pictures
The crudest fakes can be distinguished without any tools - just observation. Just look at the picture as a whole. If a group of people there, count how many they have hands and feet, and make sure all the limbs have owners.
Estimate the proportion of the bodies and heads of the people in the photo: often inexperienced fotozhabery insert the pictures other people's faces too messy.
2. warped background
When a beginner fotoshoper changes the shape and size of the object in the image, it can affect the curvature and the background. For example, some of the men in the photo are increasing their brawnAnd women - breasts and thighs.
However, if next to the variable object has straight lines, walls, doorways, they too often deformed. And it immediately catches the eye. For example, here is a whole gallery photos of athletes: These guys are really scary.
3. The absence of pores and wrinkles on the face
Even the most perfect skin on closer inspection is not smooth: it has wrinkles, moles, pores and blemishes. Therefore, if the person in the photo resembles a porcelain doll muzzles or models of video games - in front of you installation.
4. Traces of cloning in the picture
The easiest way to remove something from the picture - use the "Stamp" in Photoshop or some other image editor. The tool copies portions of pictures that are adjacent to the treated area, and uses them to cover up unwanted objects.
Inept fotoshopery abuse this function, resulting in the image appear exactly the same pieces, glaring.
5. Problems with shadows and light
Pay attention to the light and shadows. Make sure that all the objects cast shadows, and in the right direction. See if there are any in the picture, on the contrary, orphan shadows. And if there are any, it means that an object has been removed from the picture, but about the shadow retoucher forgot.
Also check out the light. If two people or object in the photo highlighted in different ways, as each has its own light source - means the picture was subjected to editing.
Look for the original image
Just upload an image into the search engine and try to find similar images. If your shot otfotoshoplen, it is likely that you will be able to find the original and see what it is retouched.
In addition, it is useful to look at the date of the appearance of the image on the web - it can also be found via search engines. If you see a picture allegedly from the place recent eventsBut have identical photos, dated last month - it is obvious that you are trying to cheat.
You can use Google, «by Yandex" or a specialized search engine TinEye. And it is better to look for and there and there - for safety.
- Search for an image in Google →
- Search for an image in the "Yandex» →
- Search for an image to TinEye →
See pictures metadata
It is very simple, although not the most authentic way. Open the EXIF metadata of your images and play them back. This can be done in the properties file: click on the right mouse button in the "Explorer» Windows or Finder in MacOS.
If you are lucky, you can see the model of the camera, the shooting date and date of image editing. For images that have filled the field with the camera model and the shooting time, a little more confidence.
When the image is subjected to correction in Photoshop or other photo editor app can save images in the metadata information about its version and the operating system that is running retouch.
However, this way you can catch only the inexperienced retoucher, because the EXIF data is easy to edit. In addition, if the photographer simply twirled brightness, color and contrast, but nothing has changed more in the metadata it will still be pointed out that the picture otfotoshoplen.
make color correction
Some fakes are made not so rough, so you can recognize them with the naked eye. In this case, you come to the aid of any image editor or image viewer that allows you to perform color correction.
In Windows, to study the photo, you can use FastStone Image Viewer. Open the image in it and click "Colors» → «color correction."
In MacOS - built-in "View". Click "Tools» → «Adjust Color ...".
Play around with the sliders, and you might notice in the pictures some details that do not catch the eye immediately.
- Tighten up the brightness and contrast. Dark areas become brighter and brighter - darker. This allows you to see the artifacts and gluing on the photo.
- Increase the level of saturation. So, too, can be seen in the photo next to the border gluing objects added by means of the installation.
- Sharpen. You may find that trying to hide the Blur tool on the blurred areas.
- Notice the colors. click "Colors» → «Negative» In FastStone Image Viewer. In the "View" MacOS use the "Tools» → «Adjust Color ..." and drag the sliders on the histogram so that the right to appear on the left, and the left - right. Inverting colors in the picture will consider daubed area on a solid background.
Analyze the noise in the picture
This is the more complicated method. It is unlikely that a newcomer will be able to right the first time to recognize what is wrong in the noise in the picture, but it is worth a try.
These photos because of imperfections in the photographic technique always have a rather high noise level. Graphic editors as it practically does not create. Thus, studying the noise in the picture, you will be able to identify the inserted object.
To do this, use the online tool forensically. Open it up, load the desired image, and then select the Noise Analysis tab on the right. You can twist the sliders up and down to change the sensitivity. Foreign objects will stand out from the crowd.
But note that this method can be fooled. So if fotoshoper manually add noise to fake, to distinguish extraneous elements will be much more difficult.
- forensically →
Analyze the error rate
Error Level Analysis, ie the analysis of the level of errors - a method that can detect artifacts at imposing one image to another. Looking at the picture through the ELA filter, you will see that the area subjected to correction seem whiter than the rest. If the photos are not edited, it appears uniform: no single area will be darker or lighter.
Forensically supports this method. To investigate a suspicious picture by ELA filter, upload it to the service and select Error Level Analysis right.
However, if the photo has been many times to resave or its size changed, then the installation of the following zamylit and ELA will not find them.
see also🧐
- How do you know that you are lying in the news: 7 common tricks
- How to publish a sharp and high quality pictures in Instagram
- How to make a good photo: 6 basic principles