As with Google calculate the protein, fat and carbohydrates in different foods
Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Google is constantly working on improving its services. Some of the innovations are widely publicized and the enthusiastic reaction of the audience, while others remain virtually unnoticed. Today we want to introduce you to one of those "secret" updates.
You all know very well that in the Google search box hides many useful functions. For example, you can use the search query to find out exchange rates, the exact time in any city, transfer values and words, make calculations and more. And now some publications foundThat now the search engine Google has learned to provide detailed information on the nutritional value of different foods.
Now you can get detailed and visual information about calories, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, sugar directly on the search results page. It is gratifying that this function works not only for individual products, but also for many popular dishes, including those represented in the fast-food networks.
As you can see in the above screenshots, counting food and food value of works on mobile devices. Thus, it can be useful not only in domestic kitchens, but somewhere in the cafe when choosing dishes.
I think that this feature will please all fans of a healthy lifestyle, seek to control their eating habits. they do not have to now look in the directories necessary information, and it will be enough just to ask from Google.
However, the company is not going to stop there and promises to soon release an application Im2CaloriesWhich is based on a photograph of any dish to analyze its nutritional value. Finally, in photographing food will be some meaning, and paranoids - a new topic of conversation that «Google now knows what we eat!".