In "Yandex. Music "appeared Telegram-bot for track recognition
News Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Boat "Yandex. Music "- is another replacement bulky Shazam. If you like music in the café or shop, you can recognize it by a bot. To do this, hold down the mic button and hold it for 5-10 seconds. If the program detects a melody, then tell her title and artist, as well as give a reference to the track in the "Yandex. Music. "
Recognition tracks works even better than the built-in tool for mobile applications music service. For allocating different track characteristics, and which help to define the songs, is now responsible neural network. Therefore the boat is constantly learning and doing its job even in noisy environments.
Now bot Telegram is able to recognize a few million songs from "Yandex. Music. " While he is still in beta and can make mistakes. But as the boat is based on a neural network, with time it will become more accurate.
Add bot "Yandex. Music "in the Telegram →
Price: Free
Price: Free